Paycheck-to-Paycheck Reality

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They only pretend to care about the working class when they need their votes to stay in office. People that don’t realize that at this point are just fucking morons. I’m done with giving them the benefit of the doubt

It was just telling people that they’re disappointed it’s only 60%…

Facts! They always claim to care about the working class but ignore every real solution. All talk, no action!

They keep squeezing and there will be more people in green jackets visiting fancy rich people.

they only use this talk point when democrats are in powre, when gop is inpower magically everyone lives a good life.

40 years later, I’m still waiting on that trickle down.

Their plan is to get it as close to 100% as possible.

Their plan? Make an issue, go against any fixes and fault the liberals

Well they plan to increase that number. The president elect even announced how they plan to increases prices.

No listen, listen. We’re gonna put beautiful tariffs in place and that will make everybody rich enough to buy a Tesla cyberdoll or whatever they’re called, then the working class can just send them to their jobs and get a new one on the side! It’s flawless.

Nina Turner didn’t understand the message. The GOP’s point here was that it should be 100% of workers instead of 60, so they have work to do.

“We’ll stop acting like we’re about helping the working class when the working class stops believing we’re about helping the working class just because we tell them we are.”


The GOP and their allies’ only plan is to blame the Democrats/libs/leftists and marginalized groups with no power for *everything*, while robbing the country blind.

They don’t care about the clueless, poor, idiot electorate who zealously believe in their manufactured, meaningless, cruel culture war.

they think the numbers are to low. 100% is the goal.

They say that to prove to their masters that they’ve kept their promises. 

How dare you, talking about all those dirty socialist things

Making it 70% or more. Not improving anything

Oh they will start t9 care when more elites go the way of brian thompson.

It will happen

They SHOULD be worried

Don’t worry, due to trickle down economics, poor folks like Brian Thompson will have a little bit of heaven trickle down to him while he’s burning in hell

Just having Universal Health Care would help so many dam people from the poor, working poor, and middle class.

They have a plan. Their plan is to get a lot richer, then pay their workers a little more so that after several cycles of them getting richer, 59% of workers are living pay check to pay check.

It’s a shit plan, but it’s a plan nonetheless.


They are bragging

Ada wong from re 2 explains it the best.

“Welcome to corporate amierca”

Not even in office yet lmao

Universal basic income…. surely a good idea

Right wing politics are clas warfare against the working class. 

Conservatives hate workers.

They’re only mentioning the 60% figure because they think it’s too low.

Ah yes, let’s adopt a healthcare system where it takes months or years to be seen even when you have an appointment and even if it’s an emergency. Definitely a smart idea. I do agree that it shouldn’t cost you a fortune to get treatment, but I’d rather spend money and get seen immediately (if the hospital/emergency room doesn’t suck ass) than not pay anything at all but need to wait forever even if it’s a severe emergency

Crazy that people struggling knew the GOP wouldn’t do these things, and they still believed Dems were worse. Dems really gotta reinvent themselves.

I’m sure there’s a concept out there somewhere 😂

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