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Hope we make it that far…

Yes. Why confused?

10 more Big Macs and the time line could be sooner than later

Let’s just hope we survive that long and can fix things quickly afterwards

Only if we are still a democracy by then.

Hopefully we will still have elections then.

Really what? Whats wrong with being hopeful that the US will overcome the illness that is MAGA?

The policies will affect the country for decades

Certainly hope Trump is long dead and buried by that date.
(Of natural causes of course!)
I look forward to pissing on his grave.

People are so naive about what’s going to happen these next fours years. If there’s not a resistance that’s real and ready to engage in civil disobedience, there won’t be a free and fair election in 2028. It’s likely there wasn’t one this year either. People who think they can just wait this out are delusional.

This remains to be seen but I applaud your hopefulness.

If we aren’t in WW3 by then

Keep dreaming. Fascists do not cede power willingly. It must be taken. January 20, 2029 is now just another date on the calendar.

I like the confidence.

Whatever your politics are, the next four years are going to be an unstable shitshow and I’m not looking forward to it.

I wonder if all vote counts were rigged. Rusia tried before. Now with the teeter guy as the central figure, did he find a way to cheat the votes count?

Whats your problem with this?



That seems like a really long time.2029. Damn.

We *hope*.

REALLY. if he makes it that long. DONT THINK SO

They aren’t wrong, that will be the end of an error.

2016 was an error.

2024 was wilful.

Stop showing Photoshop images on cars

The end of an error that we somehow made *twice*.

Yes! 🇺🇸

😂 that’s actually pretty clever, I like it

Can’t come soon enough

More bad AI generated bumperstickers.

More AI

🤞🏻hope we make it, 🤞🏻 hope he doesn’t

2029. Woof. Jfc.

Im already looking forward to the end of these incoming 4 years.

Jesus christ, we’ll have to wait that fucking long? 🤮

Are we going to have elections in 2029?

Why? You have been told, this would be the last time you need to vote.

Yep I agree with this bumper sticker. Although we as a country will take a lot longer to recover from this bsod (blue screen of death) error known as trump.

I kinda doubt we’ll have a real democracy by then but I guess we can hope

Jesus Christ 2029 sounds so god damn long from now

Doubt we will make it

If the country survives the error for the next 4 years

If there is another election.

Hopefully, it will be earlier than this!

Yes really

Is that the day he finally pays off that shitty ass car???

Hope so


Another photoshop from this clown?

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