I love how fast this rich family, friends, and corporation are so quick to make the reward bigger. $10k from NYC, $50k from the FBI, and crickets from everyone else.
3 months ago
50K won’t even cover a year of Cadillac insurance and the yearly deductible. Eat a dick FBI.
No, sorry can’t help you.
I think he fled to China, or India, or somewhere far away
No do t know that guy.
He was here last week
Doesnt mean i know him
I thought it was 10k?
They’re acting like he’s some insane mass murderer, it’s just one death.. no reason to increase the bounty that much.
No habla inglés
I love how fast this rich family, friends, and corporation are so quick to make the reward bigger. $10k from NYC, $50k from the FBI, and crickets from everyone else.
50K won’t even cover a year of Cadillac insurance and the yearly deductible. Eat a dick FBI.
Who is the CEO killer? Why am i not up to date