On Removing Birthright Citizenship

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I’m sure they’ll be allwhite

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You’re forgetting they’re not the wrong color though, so they don’t count. /s

While funny to point out we all know the white folks will be fine

Remember the rules don’t apply to him. He would just pardon them or whatever.

Bold of you to assume Trump would give a shit about anything happening to his children

Neither of Vivek’s mom & dad were citizens at the time of his birth in the US.


Don’t forget about deporting Musk, trump’s current mistress.

Also Trump himself is an anchor baby his mother was an immigrant as well.

That will never happen, but it is precisely where the deportations should begin. Lead by example Donny and check with the soon to be deported President Musk.

No one ever remembers Tiffany.

But you’re right about the rest of the assholes.

Nope. This will only apply to brown people.

Let’s not forget melania lied on her Visa application. Escort, sorry “bikini model” or was it Einsteinf? is not a valid reason for a Visa. Deport Melania

Let’s deport Donald Trump’s mother, John Thune’s mother and maternal and paternal grandfathers, Jim Risch’s father, Marco Rubio’s mother and father, and Ted Cruz’s father. No one listed was born in the United States.

Of course, they are all dead other than Ted Cruz’s father. But we can still make an example out of him!
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Ted Cruz was born in Canada, just saying. 

DonOld himself is a birthright citizen. His Grandfather came over as an immigrant so why are him or his father citizens? I say Donny needs to go back to Germany

“It’s different”

No no. He doesn’t mean to deport white people!

Rules for thee, not for me.

Project 2025 = Make America “White” Again

Technically Donald Trump would also be deported. His mother was Scottish.

Trumps family is white, why would they be deported?

No, not like that. It will only apply to brown people.

BTW, my granny was an illegal immigrant. Oh, wait,she was from Finland.

You think the rules apply equally?

This is about brown people exceptions will be made for the wealthy white people

When 4/5 kids are deported it will be Tiffany’s time to shine.

Posts like this are useless, the entire Republican brand is rules for thee and not for me. They’re not only not trying to hide it, they’re hollering out from the rooftops, putting out ads on billboards, and printing off tshirts.

And once again, Tiffany is forgotten.

Their father is a citizen so they are all citizens regardless of the mothers status or where they were born.

Exemption for the Trumpettes because: politics, witch hunt, elite conspiracy, antifa, sitting president, etc…



This really ought to be brought out more

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