Reviews for the McDonald’s that reported the UHC CEO’s suspected killer. Altoona, PA.

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Heard their CEO is a clown

Reward was based on capture and conviction. Guy could still be working there for 2+ years.

No wonder the McDonalds CEO is making public appearances lol.

Might as well change their logo into a Golden Snitch instead.

Somebody really wanted that $10,000 reward. No loyalty amongst the working classes. Whoever put in the call is like Stephen from Django

Luigi Mangione was with me when the justified killing occurred. It couldnโ€™t have been him.

McDonald’s is officially UnAmerican.

McDonald’s is slowly becoming more and more unprofessional and problematic. First it was rats now it’s snitching.


Never deleted an app quicker. Oh sure, yโ€™all want my location? I see what now for. Bunch of McSnitches

WacArnolds would never have sold him out.

mc donalds messing up their publicity again

I don’t understand, how did they recognize him? No way he does all that is wearing the same outfit.

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As if people are looking at reviews before eating at McDonald’s.

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Free my dawg!

It was an elderly patron who reported our hero. Damn boomers.

Opinions like this arenโ€™t to be taken seriously.

Huge rat problem at McDonalds

Rat infestation

According to the NYPD it was a McDonalds employeeโ€ฆ.๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Hopefully the McDonalds worker gets the reward!

Maybe leave regular people just trying to make a living alone?

Burger King and Wendy’s need to capitalize on this marketing gold mine.
“We don’t care who you killed, come enjoy a Whopper where our employees stay out of your business.”

How much you want to bet people praising that guy as a hero are also against the death penalty

A large corp full of grasses, who would have thought…

I cannot find the McDonalds you’re posting. Where is it??? I need to leave my review.

Eat the Rich at the Golden Arches

Time to say NO to McD.

Why aren’t you outside burning things at this point? It’s full-on anarchy on Reddit

Nice slacktivism. You sure showed em.

Murder bad.

Whoever reported that guy is going to have their life changed. Not with the 10k they wanted, but the death threats and harassment they’ll receive.

What if the killer is a real Dexter…

Why is it so noisy?

Your Highness, If our boy, Luigi is such a bad dude, then why didn’t he plug one into the innocent bystander witness? Besides, those low-velocity rounds were non-lethal so there must have been a pre-existing condition. The defense rests your honor.

Possible itโ€™s the wrong guy or least Iโ€™m hoping

I just wish we could skip past all this fluff and just revolt already!

The internet is insane. Now you have to worry about the toxic troll cloud that follows current events around and spews troll wash onto every single slightly related thread and tangent people can get their dirty little tendrils onto.

Mangione means glutton.

Heโ€™ll be on the menu in jail lol

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