He really said tf is open enrollment

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26? No I definitely recall the shooter screaming “I’m a 43 year old male” before shooting.

Hey all I’ve been posting this all over because I went to highschool with him and I want the record to be set straight on him

Imma be honest

He was the type of intelligent that made everyone else feel like they got smarter talking to him

Went out of his way to do things for people, not a single person had problems with him, it wasn’t even like he was popular, he was just such a genuinely good dude

You will absolutely see me at the trial protesting in his favor

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They release a new angle of the video… here it is


I definitely sympathize. I got booted from my parents’ insurance when I turned 26 last year. Shit trash.

I thought this man was a trained assassin or sumn at first. Turned out he just some Happy Go Lucky muhfucca who back was hurting

Damn someone snitched a McDonalds….😑🙄

When’s the go fund me starting for the best lawyer? I’ll donate and that’s a promise

lol deadass I’m 26 and them medical bills make you wanna slide on someone fasho

He said does this count as a major life event…

America really said survival is a luxury. Universal healthcare when?

Literally, the way healthcare is set up in this country is enough to make anyone lose their mind. It’s insane that people have to choose between their health and bankruptcy.

“Sorry, you’re too old to STILL be benefitting from someone else’s hard work.”

have to fight with the system


Next time, maybe let’s have someone a little older so their undoing isn’t literally flirting with the counter girl and getting McDonald’s.

No longer afraid of the dark, cause that light bill changed my heart 🎶🎶🎶

When I turned 26 and had to get my own insurance my parent’s actually went up by $100. Somehow just paying for two people cost more than three without any other changes.

*good luck getting into heaven*
*if you live past twenty-seven*

He’s a man of action. Smart. Educated. Beautiful and passionate, truly. The more we learn the more we like him. Jesus. What a disaster for the ruling class. 


this is so good, should’ve gotten those tonsils out on his 22nd birthday when he was living the life

Man, Luigi ain’t do shit. Mario seems like the one to line you up instead

The Life-Giving Sword by Yagyu Munenori

Daily reminder that the only correct thing to say to a cop is “I want my Lawyer”

deport all boomers

Or he just watched sicko by Michael Moore

I heard that’s our new generations attempt to recreate the 27 club but instead of dying you get famous at 26 for wasting a rich parasite.

NYC jurors should nullify. Jury nullification empowers citizens to push back against systemic injustices when the law perpetuates inequality.

It has been a tool for resisting oppressive systems, such as laws upholding slavery or criminalizing civil rights activism.

By refusing to enforce laws, jurors can disrupt oligarchs, and demand a fairer and more equitable society

LMAO OP you put me in tears with this titile

Won’t have to worry about health insurance while he rots in prison so good on him

I find the whole rallying around this guy insane. Dude is a murderer, and regardless of however you feel about the CEO and his performance in the role, what the guy did was not only wrong, but horrendous. Killed the man in cold blood in broad daylight. 

Even if you run with the justification that the CEO directly/indirectly killed people or led to people suffering because of corporate practices, so it was deserved, this guy directly killed someone, so what makes him worthy of being rallied?

Why are people championing this? 

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