Murdered by hypocrisy

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Trump’s pardons

* Charles Kushner (family): Jared Kushner’s father, convicted of tax evasion, witness retaliation, and making false statements

* Roger Stone: Longtime Trump associate, convicted of obstruction, witness tampering, and false statements

* Paul Manafort: Former Trump campaign chair, guilty of tax fraud, bank fraud, and conspiracy against the U.S.

* Michael Flynn: Former National Security Advisor, guilty of lying to the FBI about Russian contacts

* Stephen Bannon: Former White House adviser, charged with defrauding donors through the “We Build the Wall” campaign

* Elliott Broidy: Republican fundraiser, guilty of acting as an unregistered foreign agent

* Kenneth Kurson: Friend of Jared Kushner, charged with cyberstalking

* Chris Collins: Former congressman, convicted of securities fraud conspiracy

* Duncan Hunter: Former congressman, guilty of misusing campaign funds

* Rick Renzi: Ex-congressman, convicted of extortion, bribery, and money laundering

* Lil Wayne & Kodak Black: Rappers convicted on weapons charges; both publicly supported Trump

* Albert J. Pirro, Jr.: Convicted of tax fraud; ex-husband of Trump ally Jeanine Pirro

* Blackwater Contractors: Pardoned despite convictions for killing unarmed Iraqi civilians

* Clint Lorance: Convicted of second-degree murder for ordering soldiers to fire on unarmed Afghan civilians, killing two

* Mathew Golsteyn: Accused of killing a suspected Taliban bomb-maker, pardoned before trial

* Michael Milken: Convicted of securities fraud and financial crimes as the “junk bond king”

* Bernard Kerik: Guilty of tax fraud and lying to White House officials during a background check

* Randall “Duke” Cunningham: Pleaded guilty to conspiracy and tax evasion for accepting over $2 million in bribes in a major congressional bribery scandal

* Robert Cannon Hayes: Lied to the FBI about a bribery scheme involving political donations

* Steve Stockman: Former GOP congressman; sentence commuted for misuse of charitable funds

* Rod Blagojevich: Ex-Illinois governor; sentence commuted for political corruption

* Dinesh D’Souza: Conservative author; pardoned for campaign finance violations

* Scooter Libby: Former Cheney aide; pardoned for perjury and obstruction

* Eddie Gallagher: Navy SEAL; pardoned of war crimes charges

* Conrad Black: Ex-newspaper publisher; pardoned for fraud and obstruction

* Sholam Weiss: 845-year sentence commuted for fraud and money laundering

* Joe Arpaio: Former Arizona sheriff; pardoned for criminal contempt​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Denied a pandemic and got people killed

Fucked a pornstar while wife was pregnant, illegally classified the payoff

Tried and convicted of 34 felonies

Incited an attempted coup of a constitutional process

Refuses 4yrs later to admit he lost the 2020 election

Charged with 90 felonies stemming from that loss and taking home highly classified documents he refused to return.

Pardoned or commuted the sentence of hundreds of lowlifes and dirt balls far worse than Hunter Biden

Accused innocent immigrants of eating pets

Has lied repeatedly about Project 2025

Stocked his cabinet with wealthy, unqualified sychophants.

Biden’s legacy is tarnished… Ok

Plot twist: George Orwell wrote the script for 2023.

Wow, didn’t realize AP is fucked as well.

Don’t argue about this stupid shit. Any normal, boring, sane person would have pardoned their son in their final months in political office. You’re taking your eyes off the ball. Distractions from what Americans need to focus on * social and economic injustices based on class & status

But it’s Trump that is treated soooooo poorly by people the LAMESTREAM FAKE NEWS MEDIA, right?

Yes, but we all know that “fair and balanced” is when you say the same amount of positive and negative things about everyone, regardless of what they did.

Fairness isn’t about treating everybody on the basis of their conduct, it’s about giving the same number of smiley face and frowny face stickers to both teams.

I don’t care that Joe Biden pardoned Hunter for a non-violent crime. I don’t think I would care if Trump did it, either. The difference is that Joe Biden loves his son.

It’s almost like the Elite live by different rules. What a surprise revelation…🙎

I’m happy Biden gave Donnie Fraud and his stupid cult members the middle finger.

The billionaires won; they tell us now what is or isn’t real or important.

I can’t believe we are living through a coup

Fuck The AP.

As if 2025 was the only lie Trump told.

Let’s not forget Trump was SELLING pardons for $1m a pop

Why did MTG and Matt Gaetz ASK Trump for pardons?

Hot take. Maybe we shouldn’t let people not be criticized for their actions because others did something worse?

I shouldnt be able to go out an kill someone and say “well what about what this other guy did” and expect to be off the hook.

“already teetering legacy”.

Fuck off with your bullshit. He’s going to go down as one of the best presidents in history for dealing with Covid and fallout from it.

like i said all along the damned media been sane-washing Trump since 2016.. motherfuckers saying Biden besmirched the presidency.. assholes just what been Trump doing.. the hyprocisy..

and you question why we don’t trust the media anymore?? you are complicit in this…

It’s not just Biden. NONE OF US give a fuck about your laws anymore. Y’all elected Trump back to the White House and now you want to pretend like laws matter? Nah, dude. Y’all made it very clear that this is no longer a country of laws. We’re done pretending like laws only apply to us. Biden pardoning his son is *all of us* right now. We’re all done with this shit. We didn’t start this fire.

The audacity of calling out Biden for “rule of law” when literal crimes against democracy are just chillin’ unbothered. Priorities, amirite?

AP conveniently forgot 2017-2021.

Why was he put in a position where he needed to restore public trust in the nation’s institutions and respect for the rule of law I wonder.

I think it’s a bad look for Biden. But it’s an even worse look for the media to take one example and then not balance it against the multitude of “missteps” (aka crimes) by Trump.

Merely re-publishing Trump’s bullshit uncritically is not fair and balanced.

It’s like the John Oliver skit where, in order to represent the farce that the media has become, he invited one “climate change denying scientist” to debate 99 climate change scientists rather than the traditional binary and spurious “both sides have equal weight in this debate” nonsense.

He did what any father would do, especially given all the threats the incoming president and cabinet have made. That said, this plays into their narrative that there are crimes being covered up. Same if he pardons Jack Smith or others that the likes of Trump and Patel have targeted. They will undermine confidence of the politically illiterate and give fuel to the fire of the already red-pilled media and news.
It’s a lose, lose. Had he not done it his son would def be at risk and would likely resent him. BUT if then the conservatives followed through it would have made the argument easier. Now most people will default to “both sides are equally corrupt”

These statements aren’t mutually exclusive. I don’t have nearly as many mean things to say about our current president than for upcoming dear leader, but they can both be wrong.

Both can be true…

This is such a loser take. Both things can be true and acting like Biden is above reproach because Trump is bad is stupid. It’s not like the AP hasn’t noted—extensively—Trump’s lack of respect for rule of law and/or institutions 

Is anyone writing these authors personally and telling them what a joke they are?

Trump will be doing the same shit so what’s new

I feel like the problem now, is that nobody does.

Biden did the right thing.

Trump literally said he was weaponizing the DOJ to go after his political “enemies.” The a-holes he’s packing federal law enforcement with prove that. I don’t blame Biden for a second. As far as his legacy, he inherited a shit economy and a pandemic and did a good job dealing with both.

Breaking news – Two things can be true at the same time

Boy will they be surprised to learn that both can be true at the same time. Hold on to your hats for a total bombshell; ALL politicians are scumbags 🤯 unbelievable

I don’t understand what there is to be upset about that? If you break the law and it’s a misdemeanor, and someone else breaks the law and murders someone, does that make you now innocent because what they did was worse? No, of course not. Trump can do a million bad things, and all that does is make him a bad person. It doesn’t absolve Biden of wrongdoing just because Trump was worse…

Both are pretty lousy tbh

Where’s the community note for this one lol

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