Burger King: Because they don’t have a rat problem

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“got caught trying to use a fake ID at McDonald’s” 🤣 funniest shit I’ve read today!

Is it really a clever comeback if it’s fake?

Dude got framed, McDonalds doesn’t ID you for jack shit

No way in a million years they posted that.

None of this even adds up. It’s all over the news, about the worst time imaginable to make a public appearance without a mask and he was mostly incognito in New York. But then he figured he’d go out and have a McDonald’s sit down meal? I mean there are delivery services, there’s the drive thru, who even goes into McDonald’s anymore and sits down and eats for the whole world to watch? Seems way too simple. Too easy.

He got a unhappy meal

The sprite at McDonalds is 21 and over, everyone knows this.

“Hi, can I get a large McMargarita meal please, with medium fries”

“Can you show me some ID?”

“Aww crap”

“Oh look, what a coincidence. We just so happened to find this guy who is nearly impossible to id from one blurry photo with most of his face covered, but he just so happens to have all the evidence we need on him and was busy making 3 signed copies of his confession that he did it and he did it for no particular reason. He will soon make a massively televised appearance to condemn his own actions and warn everybody not to copy what he did.”

Why would you even use an ID at McDonald’s?

Why would he use his ID at MCDs?

Why was he using any ID at mcdonalds? Getting a McMule?

Fake, you don’t use ID at McDonald’s

Purely hypothetical: If you’re on the run from the law and want fast food but need to be ignored; Where do you go?

Where I live, I’d go for Popeye’s chicken. Blackened Ranch>Sweet and Sour on any day, but if I’m running, it’s full of foreign farm workers most nights at dinner time. They work hard, they are hungry, they didn’t see or hear fucking thing.

It costs less than McD, and if you bite a chicken nugget in half it is recognizable as a piece of chicken.

But the clown fast food will ruin your fries with pickle dust and give you shitty socks for $18.

The golden arches deserve a golden shower.

Bruh if he swung by my McDonald’s I’d pay for his meal

I’m betting they are just arresting someone so that they don’t look as bad for their overlords.

My question is what are you getting at McDonalds that requires showing ID

Best burger king ad since “eat with a king, not a clown”

Uhh. What do you need to present your ID for at McDonalds? If they’re gonna make shit up, at least make is believable.

I be going to Jack in the Box from now on

Burger King out here acting like they’ve never met a frozen patty.

When even royalty in their inbred lunacy is against you, then you know you fucked up McDonalds. But then the Trumpaloompa is their biggest customer.

I know it’s fake, but it would have been awesome if they had posted that one ;). Followed by “Burger King, Fast Food, not Fash Food!”. I mean they did post “Dear people of Scotland. We’re selling milkshakes all weekend. Have fun. Love BK. #justsaying”, back when the right was all angry and crying about having milkshakes thrown in their direction.

New burger coming this summer, The McSnitch.

Msdonalds doesn’t ID, dude got framed

Welp, never going to McDonald’s ever again

Never going to a McDonalds again.

Is this real? If it is I’ll go to BK and buy a Whopper rn.

Why the fack was he using a fake ID at a McDonald’s?!? Was he hoping to rent out the kids play area?

free my homie he has done nothing wrong

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