Universal healthcare for all

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…and then eventually contributes to the death of the pharma company CEO that developed the experimental spider venom.

Growing trend in the US.

He did the right thing. The bills would have cost Aunt May the house

Thats the size of a regular sized bite in Australia !

Noooo you’re being communist! I don’t know how it’s bad but you are!!!

Wrong sub for this, but anyhow.

This got me an idea. Imagine we have a superhero like Spiderman who does his usual thing (saving the city) most of the time, but then he actually goes out of his way to kill billionaires. No super-villain billionaires, just normal pieces of trash using disgusting business methods that are technically still legal. And he does it in public too (with a hidden identity though, he’s a superhero)

“Please choke on a web of dicks. Your spider bites were clearly pre-existing.”

how is this oddlyspecific? seems like shittmoviedetails

There’s nothing oddly specific about this.

His insurance company declared it to be a preexisting condition and denied his claim. Later he met a guy with a gun near their CEO, but missed the part where that’s his problem.

On serious note, it is crazy how medical bills can be used in movies/shows as a reason for many things without batting an eye. Or as reason that nobody is calling ambulance, looking for hospital.

You can see it as a reason for stealing, robbing, drug creation, just for the plot etc.

I don’t think enough people remember how it was even worse before the ACA (which this was). I guess they will soon. Hopefully not 


Holy shit this subreddit is fucking cooked. This isn’t oddly specific at all.

It’s also because Peter’s only male role model is a from the Silent Generation and the celebrity males he had to look up to were Boomers, so his entire upbringing was steeped in a trumped up idea of masculinity which hammers in hard the idea that “pain is for pussies.”

To be fair, doesn’t look like he’s thinking clearly in that scene.

Another angle: Are men outside the USA taught it’s unmanly and wimpy and a sign of being brainwashed to go to a doctor about anything?

OP is braindead and needs to eat glass

No, universal healthcare for only some!

Every New Yorker knows not to go to the ER. Imagine waiting 5 hours to see a doctor for a fucking spider bite

That’s America’s Ass…holery.

And poor Uncle Ben had to paint the kitchen by himself!

I’d say 50% healthcare issues and 50% standard guy/teenager who would need to be forced to go in for anything less than the affected hand falling off. The point is well taken though. His healthcare situation would be complicated given his aunt and uncle look to be Medicare age and he’s a highschooler.

UHC denied his claim

This is VERY funny… because it’s VERY true! Bwaaahahahaaa! Well played, Murica(?). *facepalm of despair*

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