You son of a bitch.. I’m in

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Same reaction applies to seeing boobs for the 7000th time.

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Don’t forget the “2 nobodies at the end of time fighting over nothing” flawed masterpiece.

Controversial take: FromSoftware makes the same game over and over.

Uncontroversial take: they are so freaking good at it who cares, inject it directly into my veins.

I mean if it ain’t broke…

Can’t come soon enough

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That sounds like a great premise! I can’t wait to play a game like that!!! …

I’m afraid I will have to learn to parry in the next game:/

Or, you know, Bloodborne or Sekiro

I was getting excited like this was a new game for a second and then realized what was going on lmao

You had me at “me”

It has worked so far. Why change?


From is gonna announce BB 2 in 2025 just to spite you

That’s why I like them 😂

They male medieval games of high difficulty with nebulous lore and cool Bosses that are cinematic and tough as nails *just the way I like* !

Like going for years to the same restaurant because goddamnit nobody makes pizza like them!

A souls game where the world is in its prime at the beginning, but as you progress your actions, plunge it into chaos. Let me play as an unintentional villain believing I’m fighting for good!

And they’re the greatest games ever made

love boss fights where you unknowingly fight your past or future self

And a lot of feet

I just want FromSoft to make a Zelda game

I want a more traditional rpg with populated towns and NPCs but with fromsoftware’s combat gameplay

What can I say, the man knows how to do formulas well.

They keep making it better so let them at it we don’t care

Tongue butt hole

Bloodborne felt like a fresh take on this. More industrial era than medieval and my favorite of the Souls games

As long as we keep getting waifus


I would buy it, cause it would almost certainly be a great game regardless.

You forgot there’s snakes

Take my money, Miyazaki. You wonderful fucking asshole.

Come to think of it, has there EVER been a soulsborne final boss who wasn’t a husk of their former selves?

Don’t forget the poisinous swamp in the middle of the game

and the last cutscene will be you either sitting on a chair, or walking away from the camera.

“Let’s do something new… how about a game about menstruation?”

“Miyazaki-san… We already did that. ”

“Well Dark Souls again it is then.”

Souls games are like boobs. no matter how ogten you see them its always a treat

I hope it’s a scifi setting!

Now with 100% more poison swamps.^*

^* ^Than ^the ^leading ^brand

I mean… I’d play the shit out of that. Again.

Anyone who complains about from soft making the same game is dumb. Like yes, I know that it’s the exact same gourmet meal that I’ve had for the past 39 days I don’t care shove it into my mouth please.

I think that’s the premise of this whole idea. You become the new king of the lands and you become a husk of your former self until a new you comes along to defeat you.

Fantasy pirates themed souls game or steampunk souls game pls Miyazaki

Can’t happen fast enough

After the Elden Ring version I’m doing the fire ending every single time

Yes, this is what i crave

Eh honestly I’m not that easy anymore

I’m in too

We need bloodborne 2

Why are games always made to be set in a time period long past a “golden age?” (Elden Ring, Lords of the Fallen, Destiny, Absolver, Enshrouded, the list is practically endless.) For once I wanna play a game where the civilization is at its peak and you’re a badass from the start.

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