Trauma formation

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I was scared at six watching some dumb made for TV movie with a scarecrow that nobody remembers, so my father said “Eh, that’s nothing” and the next night we watched Halloween.

Me watching Mars Attack! as a young kid and not being able to sleep for weeks after seeing Jack Black get turned into a skeleton

Well, she learned a valuable lesson of ‘be careful what you wish for’

When I was 7, I begged my parents to let me watch a horror movie at my friend’s house. The scariest thing I’d seen up until then was probably the TMNT movie.

Cut to me watching Halloween and basically developing an instant panic disorder. That white face haunted me for years! 

This is a job for the popular sub r/crawlersatemyface.

Curiosity has a way of turning on you.

Meh, kid is 12. That’s about when I started to watch some messed up stuff too. Curiosity is a bitch.

When I was around 7 or 8 I thought I had a pretty high gore tolerance since I watched slasher movies. Then I saw the opening to Saving private ryan and nearly threw up.

12 is plenty old enough to be scared by a movie!! I think 12 or 13 is when movies STOPPED being scary for me, but then again my family loves horror movies.

I watched that movie at 23 and it messed me up for days.

Bro, I think goosebumps was still fuckin me up at that age NGL. Although now I love watching scary movies

I feel like watching movies we were way too young for was a right of passage for us genXers. They’ll be fine.

I was very young, younger than 12 when I first saw The Thing and I cried myself to sleep. It was horrifying. I love Horror movies though hahaha

My favorite and oldest memory is when I was five years old. Was at a friend’s house down the street and she had a babysitter watching us. The Babysitter put Childs Play on for us to watch. After finishing the movie we went down to the basement to play and there were dolls strung up everywhere. Then the babysitter turned the corner with a doll in her hands and chased us. I ran all the way home thinking Chucky was chasing me. For months I thought Chucky was hiding in closets, cabinets, etc. and had to check everywhere. It’s what sparked my love of horror and Childs Play is my favorite movie to this day. So hopefully The Descent will be a fond memory for your kid.

Meh, what good is childhood without a bit of trauma.

I remember being five years old and my mom being annoyed at how scared I was when she took me to see Scream. And she just kept going until my brother and I were so desensitized that we were dead inside. He goes to those haunted houses where they make you eat cockroaches and lock you in coffins to feel something.

Heh ya The descent is officially one of the most scariest movies.

The series From is there for scary shows / movies you won’t be allowed to show kids either

The Descent was fun but idk if I’d say it was terrifying, different strokes and folks tho ig

I remember watching Wishmaster II as a child in my old Laundrymat.

I was what like 7 or 8? I sat and watched the whole thing, needless to say it put a bad taste in my mouth with christianity and i’ve been the same ever since lol.


They didn’t fuck up. Now it’s a great time to learn about coping skills and dealing with triggers

Quit letting kids call the shots, they don’t have foresight

My 10 year old gave up on the decent before anything scary. She has a small attention span

When I was 9 years old I watched Signs with my parents and that kind of fucked me up for a bit lol. At least until 6th grade when we finally got decent internet and I experienced the chaos that was online back then.

I watched the directors cut of Brazil when I was too young

Saw this when I was 12 as well and can confirm that this shit my pants lol

Fire in the Sky

I finished the first Silent Hill on PS1 at 11 years old. Got it from a cousin, hid it from my parents so had to sit up late at night with earphones on.

Scared of monsters on the TV and my mom bursting through the door and whipping my ass for being up after midnight during the week.

Don’t ask me how or why, but I powered through that shit over 2 weeks. Nightmares galore. Woke up with crusty eyes from the tears. Finished it. Finished it 10 more times after that for all the extras ending and rewards.

Never really feared horror again after that…

Dad let me watch Aliens when I was 10.

I get it.

I did this very same thing with my friends’ two daughters! They both were adamant they could handle it! 😅

When my daughter was young she wanted to watch a scary movie but we told her no. But when she went to visit my dad he let her watch Pumpkinhead. She regretted it but definitely learned a little “be careful what you ask for.”

I mean, it then becomes a good time to have the John Waters talk 🤣

I’ll never go in a cave again after watching that movie. And where I live there are beautiful caves everywhere. I won’t be enjoying them though because this movie fckd me up lol

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