How to get away with murder

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Assuming it’s him, I have to believe that he *wanted* to get caught. Otherwise the whole case is too tidy and wrapped in a bow for a Law Enforcement manhunt.

I find it odd to say the least that there’s always a convenient written confession/manifesto that the person they caught just so happens to be carrying around on their person for some reason. You know, as you do.

and then he ends up committing suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head, putting himself in a suitcase, and throwing himself off a bridge into a river

It’s just too convenient imo. Next is probably gonna be his fingerprints on the bullet that killed the CEO.

Better for the “mentally unfit for trial” defense.

Definitely something’s fishy

This seems dodgy to me, carrying the murder weapon and documents containing a motive at the time of arrest days after the crime seems suspicious, would someone who sounds highly educated be so stupid?
I also found it odd that the report I saw said someone recognized him in McDonald’s, firstly those CCTV images weren’t great, he has a covid mask on for a lot of it, has his hood pulled up on the rest, the officer on the report also said they could only tell it was him when they pulled his covid mask down, so you’re telling me he has a covid mask on and someone recognized him just from his eyes? I don’t know maybe I’m missing something but it just seems odd

The way I see it, either he

Didn’t care if he was caught, or that was part of the plan

Didn’t think he would be recognized, and still had work to do

Didn’t wanna throw away my McLovin ID

Part of me thinks he knew he would be caught eventually.

You forgot the step where you eat at a public mcdonalds while having all of your incriminating evidence on you.

Getting caught was part of the plan you have to see the bigger picture to understand

All that and a selfie in his phone he took just seconds before shooting the guy.

1. He wanted to get caught.


2. He’s a plant…it all wraps up a little too perfect. Some rando at McDonald’s recognizes him?? And he just happens to have the everything the cops need to prosecute him?? Smells funny…..

If it looks like shit and smells like shit….it’s probably shit.

This whole thing reeks of fabrication.

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