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One of my most hated feelings is the uncertainty with which I open the door with when the signs are something stupid like this

Manspreading or is that a dress?

In California you’re required to have ADA compliant restroom signage, which, by today’s definition, are the blue triangular and circular signs (the white figures are not currently required). You can have whatever additional signage you want but the ADA compliant signs are required at time of building inspection.

Of course, once you pass your building final, there are pretty much no rules.

Ah yes, the two genders… needs to pee, really really needs to pee

I genuinely don’t know which is which

We hit the pinnacle of clever bathroom signs with “buoys and gulls” and we should have stopped there.

I saw ones with male/female signs that are circles with arrows. I haven’t the slightest clue which is which. Went in one and was real nervous. Pretty sure it was the girls (I’m a guy) but it ended up being a single stall so I said fuck it and just used it.

“Whatever, just wash your hands”

Am I a clothes peg or a crutch? Both seem to insinuate a penis.

If I ever get a restaurant/bar my two signs are going to be Abraham Lincoln and JFK.


let’s just have a sign that says “bathroom/restroom”

went to a bar the other day that had two bathroom doors right next to each other, only a short wall separating them. no signage at all, just plain doors.

i took a chance and opened one door, saw urinals, and headed on in.

it was only after i finished up, i noticed the floor was different in front of the doors. one had a slightly blueish hue and the other barely pink.

the fuck

So I get confused , accidentaly walk into the women’s bathroom, and now Im the one getting blamed

Portsmouth Harbour, they combined the typical male/female signs with an arrow by having them point in the direction for each toilet. Does mean one of them is kinda doing a nazi salute though

Ah yes Tweezer Man.

At Tilted Kilt they had “Lads” and “Lasses” and my drunk at the time ass read “Ladies” and didn’t even pay attention to what was on the other door and went piss in the ladies room.

I came out and was talking about how weird it was that this place didn’t have urinals and then saw a woman go in the same bathroom I was recently in and turned bright red from embarrassment.

Just make all of it unisex. There’s no point.

I think that it’s like a crotch and upper legs? the one on the left is a man and the right is a woman (thigh gap)

Whats the name of their CEO?

I absolutely love going to a restaurant or whatever and not knowing which toilet I am supposed to use. In this case… I actually have no clue…

No human being looks like that no matter what gender lol

Petition to ban separating bathrooms by gender and just making them all single use. I fucking hate having to hear other people take a dump no matter what they have between their legs.

Obviously this is for prudes (legs together) and people who like to fuck (legs apart).

Where my “spread like peanut butter” gang at!?

There’s a bathroom for the Fresno Nightcrawler!?

Compasses and Crutches ***deserve*** their own bathrooms.

It’s split between people who have to piss and those who have to squat and shit.

Hot take: The only bathrooms should be Sitting and Staning.

We don’t need to separate anything by gender. Just “How long is this gonna take?”

The one on the right is for when you really need to pee and have to hold your legs together.

Is this the bathroom or the entrance to a modern art exhibit?

are we peeing or applying to an architecture firm here? ❗❓

Ok, good there is a bathroom for people with crutches. Support sick citizens!

Reminds me of Limmy’s show gender bathroom skit

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Ok, good there is a bathroom for people with crutches. Support sick citizens!

Are you a tuning fork or a thermometer?

Petition to remove the skin of people who do this

Someone who really has to pee vs someone who’s already shit their pants

I bet it says “Men/Women” right above the image, but was cropped out.

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