Invisible madlads

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“Wow, this mime is terrible. Why does he keep grunting and yelling for help?”

lol like Patrick helping SpongeBob get into the Salty Spitoon

He would die known as a master of his craft.

Straight up MMA (Mime Martial Arts)

First thing I would do is buy a cane for blind people.

I bet that answer has changed after recent events

The Bloodhound Gang:

I like that she saw the glass half full

Strangle a few CEOs

The mime would never be able to forget that.

I guess invisibility isn’t an ”evil” super power after all.

When fighting a mime is actually the more wholesome answer as I expected way more pervy responses

There is both order and chaos in this reply thread. These crazies always get it right!”

The police would never believe him

My brother in Christ! I was startled by a mime in Quebec city like 30 years ago and since then, I’ve been waiting for one of them to cross me.

I will pretending to steal his invisible box

Basically Fight Club.

I assume you’ve seen Shakes The Clown? 😆

“A mime is a terrible thing to waste”

Assist a middle-school talent show magician to become a legend.

“This is the Daniel Day Lewis of mimes. Look! You can even see swelling starting to form!”

Then I could just watch you in your room
If I was invisible, I’d make you mine tonight

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