Luigi Mangione represents more Americans than Donald Trump.

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Then why can’t we get universal healthcare, which would save $650 billion a year?

Luigi Mangione gets it. More Americans support universal healthcare than not, so why are we still fighting for something that should be a basic right? Time for real change.

And half of those people will vote for the person who ain’t gonna give it to them. This is America!

Our votes hardly offer choice

And the candidate who wants to repeal the ACA won by 1.6%. People say they believe stuff and then belie that statement with their actions

Let’s elect Luigi president. Felonies don’t matter anymore and then we can get our healthcare.

Billy Bob MAGA type: “I don’t want no socialized medicine. That nonsense is for commies and the libs. This is Murica. You ain’t taxing me one single cent for no commie healthcare! Now excuse me while I go deposit my social security check and get to my Medicare paid doctor’s appointment. MAKE MURICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Yeah, a president did that and “the other side” lost their proverbial shit. Now another (soon to be) president is trying his best to get rid of it.

Uh huh. And how many of you fuckers couldn’t have been bothered to vote for it last month?

Luigi Mangione 2028!

Bear in mind this polling was conducted from November 6-20, before the killing of the UHC CEO brought broader attention to the abuses of the so-called healthcare industry.

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Did you read his book review?

Maybe spend less on the military and put it towards healthcare?
Just a thought.

62% is bullshit number! it’s more like 82 or more!

It’s wild to think his trial will be going on at the very peak of Trump’s second term, most likely right after VA benefits have been cut, and the new insurance premiums hikes have kicked in and started biting people hard, and probably at the exact time when Trump’s inevitable abuses of power will already be causing mass protests across the country. This country is ticking timebomb the likes of which even Jack Bauer has never seen.

Sure as fuck didn’t vote that way.

Latest presidential election suggests that >50% of voters believe billionaires and corporations should continue to step on our necks. 

Stop voting Republican

Fuck Trump.

In prison you get healthcare

Americans haven’t been this united since 9/11

The elites they just elected disagree.


Luigi for President!

And a lot of them voted for the party that’s going to take away the limited amount of health coverage that the federal government does provide because they don’t know that Obamacare is the Affordable Care Act.

Only 62 percent? Lmao

With this next federal government (president, Congress, and courts)? It’s going to have to get much worse before we get national healthcare.

I haven’t had health insurance in two years because you don’t get anything for your money.

Seems the ~160 million Americans who either voted for Trump or didn’t vote at all disagree.

I guess a whole bunch of morons shouldn’t have voted trump.

I’m willing to pay more taxes so my family members do not die waiting to be approved for expensive care or from rationing their expensive out of pocket medicines.

Well guess who is president and who is going to jail…

Then they all vote against it come election day

Doesn’t matter, here’s why: [Corruption is Legal in America]( Could be 100% support and it wouldn’t matter. At least not until people raid insurance buildings like Jan 6’ers. This video came out pre-Trump, btw. It’s far worse now

And he ain’t even the killer lol.

I think most of the 85% voted for the wrong person.

Is there a GoFundMe page for him for his lawyering fees!? And can we possibly phone in on some senators to mention him and drum things up? COMON people this is as IRL HERO as we can get.

Don’t give me that BS, how hero’s “shall not kill, else they’re above law”.

Mangione 2028

Luigi for president.

And yet a portion of those Americans continue to vote for politicians that will never do these things. All over nonsense wedge issues.

Dam ppl really know how to fall for such easy bait lol

62% but neither democrats or republicans are pushing for it. Our politicians on either do not care about us. Republicans are blatant about it and democrats pretend.

Voted for the wrong party.

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