Almost as good are the people getting triggered by the term fascist being used in game. “It’s so unimaginative to call the bad guys fascists.” People, it’s Italy in 1938!
3 months ago
Trump is not actually President yet. Someone should tell Trump that.
3 months ago
The self own to ratio pipeline is undefeated
3 months ago
Well, part of being a Trump supporter is self-identifying as being oppressed and helpless in the face of scientific agression.
3 months ago
fascists are self-identifying unprompted because they’re so sensitive
3 months ago
These people-“Stop making everything about politics”
Almost as good are the people getting triggered by the term fascist being used in game. “It’s so unimaginative to call the bad guys fascists.” People, it’s Italy in 1938!
Trump is not actually President yet. Someone should tell Trump that.
The self own to ratio pipeline is undefeated
Well, part of being a Trump supporter is self-identifying as being oppressed and helpless in the face of scientific agression.
fascists are self-identifying unprompted because they’re so sensitive
These people-“Stop making everything about politics”
Also these same moronic people-……
Not really relevant but I hate this platform so much.
It’s like when they got mad about Snoop shooting a toy gun at a stupid looking clown with a ridiculously long tie.
The only way that’s about Trump is if he’s some stupid looking clown with a ridiculously long tie.
Cool. So that’s back again.
Trump is NOT my President
To think half of the country watch Saving Private Ryan or Indiana Jones and are rooting for the NAZIS

These people do not know what fascist means. They think it’s just an insult directed towards them.
Best racist punching since RDR2.
“the left makes everything political”
And THAT is what TDS really looks like!
They know that the Indiana Jones franchise takes place in the 1930s, right? It has nothing to do with their orange god emperor
Weird way of admitting you and the person you voted for are a fascist
Those people love telling on themselves.
Just waiting for games where the USA are the bad guys. Germans are sooo 1930s 🥱
A hit dog will holler.
This guy called Nintendo woke for their new Zelda game.
Is it really a self-own if they accept he’s a fascist and actually prefer that to the alternative? I find that to be more likely, but also terrifying.
Wow, iron cross and all, I expect em to start murdering after the inauguration
how do ppl stand twitter? i dont get it
No actually he is not, and will never be. He’s a coward and I don’t follow cowards.
probably a bot that wrote that stuff because it was about “punching fascists”
1.- USDefaultism
2.- Trump is not even president yet
3.- These people who like to brag about “TrUmP iS yOuR pReSiDeNt” are the same who never accepted Joe Biden as their own president, right?
Aw, Jesse Watters is gonna be so embarrassed when he realizes that they ‘do’ in fact know what that word means
I love that in the game you get an achievement for using a fly swatter to knock out one of the enemies.
Why the fuck does it only timestamp one of three tweets?