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Man, I wish I was a linux autistic rather than a ‘all technology is run by invisible demons’ autistic

Study results also excluded kids who used Minecraft redstone as their engineering degree.

Lol both are on point

“im 19 and never had a computer”

“ur… not part of the study either, you can go home now, maybe cry a little.”

When I was 12 I got into an argument with a toxic brat that pretended to be my friend. He came from a rich family and always had the latest apple tech (this was iphone4 times) and was bragging about how superior mac is and said that mac only works on apple hardware.

Me being the nerd I was wanted to prove him wrong and said that macos is just an OS and it can probably be made to run on any pc hardware and it’s just locked down by apple and their licensing etc.

So I spent the next 2months learning everything I could about installing operating systems, hackintoshes etc.. bricked a hard disk and burned 15+ cd’s and dvd’s (yeah those were times..) with bootloaders etc. (Many non reusable dvd-r’s, not fun when parents found out..) learned linux commands, tuning bootloaders etc..

Got MacOS 10.7 snow leopard and later 10.8 mountain lion fully running on my then 6y old desktop computer. Just to be able to say “told you so..”

I was petty af.

Learned a lot though 🙂

Wish I still had that spark and motivation in my life now. Coding has become “just a job” for me now

Tried to play Windows game on Mac when I was a kid. I can assure you, using bootcamp to split the HDD is very formative lol

What if your first computer was DOS?

I think half of tech literacy comes from a willingness to break shit. Most tech illiterate people I meet are in fear that if they touch anything their computer will explode. To the point where they will read a pop up bar and come to to me just so I can be the one to hit “yes.”

I feel personally attacked lmao

Man, bringing in the memories of trying to mod Minecraft beta by manually editing the jar file in %appdata% since mod launchers weren’t a thing yet.

The original Aether mod, the airplane mod, more creatures… Crazy that was 12 years ago and now I’m almost 30…

ouch 😓 accurate tho

Shouldn’t have roasted the guy like this lmfao 😭😭

I use Mac because it’s easier and I’m a tech moron

Autism Georg is an outlier and shouldn’t’ve been included in this study.

I wonder what the hypothesis is. Mac users generally have no control and very little customizability of the backend but also have to deal with fewer problems because of the higher security. They also skew richer I’d think. Windows users may have more tech literacy because they have had to deal with more diverse and complicated issues, but there are also a lot more of them as it is kind of the standard for most industry outside of creative, so you’re going to get a bigger range.

DOS kids assemble!

I was making websites dedicated to anime as a kid. I’m autistic lol

Child of the 90s, first computer was definitely a mac in school.

Playing videos games honestly is the main thing. I learned everything about computers simply because I wanted to play (and sometimes pirate) video games.

You had to be computer illiterate to use Max in the 2000s because a lot things didn’t cross over to Windows property.

Outside of the neurodivergent jab, what was the original joke insinuating? That Mac or PC users lack basic problem solving skills?

My school had Macs in the 90s, and I don’t recall them being any more catered toward the tech illiterate like they are today.

When I was in university for computer science, we had a few kid who refused to install windows, despite some of the classes being WINDOWS classes. They would struggle to get labs going in VMs and the teacher would always loudly say ‘If your stupid enough to come to a windows class proudly carrying a linux laptop, just quit my class because I’m not helping your dumb ass get linux working for a windows class.’ Every single one of those dumbases dropped out before installing windows. You just can’t fix linux people, they’re too far gone.

I started with a Windows computer, now I have all things Apple including a MacBook and an iMac, my brother had Windows, Linuxic and iMac and like me owns more Apple products now, I don’t know why it matters but it’s an interesting topic

I started on an Apple II

Everyone started on apple before Microsoft took over in the 90s

How can you tell someone uses Linux?

My first computer was a Macintosh Performa 2 (1992). We made the jump to Gateway Windows computers in the mid 90s and I was a Windows guy for the next twenty years. I finally decided to buy a MacBook Air M1 in 2021 and it has completely changed my view on MacBooks. I love the Mac OS and hardware for so many reasons. Windows is great for its ability to “do more,” but Mac has such a fantastic hardware setup. And it doesn’t crash. The battery lasts 19 hours with no fan. These new Macs are game changing. Currently my $800 MacBook Air M1 can outpace a $2500 Dell computer.

I was today years old when I discovered ‘discluded’ is a word

I started on a Mac as a kid

I had to learn about workarounds, dual-booting and wrappers on my own to play games on it during the mid-2000s

If you installed Linux at 12, you’re doing really great in life today.

Technology vegans are hilarious 😂😂



I grew up on a little beige CRT macintosh that was black and white only. I think it was mac os 7. We eventually got a computer with mac os 9 and then before os 10 I was using windows computers in school and at my dad’s house.

I got a mac os 10 laptop from my middle school and I spent a crap ton of time digging through that thing to find ways to play games on it, like marathon and descent.

I ended up being a software developer for seven years or so and now I’m retired and do IT stuff on the side for friends. I don’t really like modern macs, although probably part of the problem is I don’t ever use one long enough to customize out the bullshit.

The days of my kid self reaaaaaally wanting to play Black Mesa on the mac and going through so many different hurdles (didn’t have enough space for bootcamp) definitely contributed to my tech literacy thank god. Fan obsession motivates you I guess. I was really obsessed with Half Life haha

Years later those experiences helped me play Overwatch 1 on the mac too

> skewing results


Linux comes with the “Leatherman Handbook” in the technical docs.

Discluded lol

Lol- DOS represent

She’s definitely on to something. People who only know windows are often idiots.

Im a software engineer and one of my colleagues is an apple fan who keeps talking about how the ARM processors in modern macs are so much more efficient and microsoft is behind the times for not suporting ARM yet.

At 3 my daughter had both a Mac and a windows computer in her desk in her room. She grew up using both and to this day still uses both. Windows for gaming. Mac for getting stuff done.

Well that’s a loaded question that depends on what I’m doing in the moment. I run a VM cluster for various Linux distros (kali, dragon os, mint) and a win 7 and win 10 vm just in case it’s needed. All of my work is done from a Mac, with two other Mac’s in the server rack for running local LLMs.

Man, ppl who say disclude when it should be excluded doesn’t deserve to have a hypothesis.

16 year old me realizing I can make my computer think I have a higher end graphics card to be able to play Skyrim on my cheap laptop 😂

Her results will be fucked since almost every kid from the 80s on started in public school in America with Macs. Apple made a deal with the department of ed, they were a smaller price point and single supplier so they best out windows.. I have used both since I was in elementary school because we had a windows at home and the school was all mac, we had mac books in high school even.

I would have used Linux more if I was able to get my Wi-Fi connection going. Apparently it was really tough to do 15 years ago or something in Ubuntu or Solaris or whatever version I tried.


I offered my Apple only roommate a thunderbolt to Ethernet adapter so she could get on the internet to do homework while we waited to get our new router after moving into a new place. She had no idea what ethernet was….

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