US States With a Ban on Construction of Nuclear Power Plants

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Source: [US Office of Nuclear Energy](

Bonus, 4 states that [repealed their moratoriums:]comment image?itok=klqselJ_)

* Wisconsin (2016)
* Kentucky (2017)
* Montana (2021)
* West Virginia (2022)

Allowed with Limitations:

* Illinois (2023, repealed full ban to allow small reactors)
* New York (No ban, narrow moratorium in the service territory of the Long Island Lighting Company — Nassau, Suffolk, and parts of Queens counties)
* Connecticut (Full ban with exception for a single existing plant)

Connecticut seems to be in the same category as Minnesota. New plants are banned, existing plant grandfathered in.

It would be cool to have the dates each state banned them alongside when some states repealed theirs. I’d bet most were added after 3 mile island.

Just a side note, a few of these states have no problem with Navy nuclear reactors being berthed in their harbors.

these states are the ones that consider green policies the most. ironic that these have a ban on nuclear power plants.

Illinois should be on the map.

They recently allowed small reactors but still ban big ones.

Oddly anti nuclear for one of the most nuclear states in the country.

A position that is completely and utterly rooted in anti-science fear mongering. Ridiculous. Modern nuclear energy is safe and efficient and only getting safer and more efficient.

I get California. Earthquakes.
And I get Hawaii. Islands difficult to evacuate.

And yet modern nuclear is cleaner, safer, more efficient then ever before….

Super misleading title, OP.

Taken directly from your source: “Massachusetts doesn’t allow the construction of new nuclear plants unless a list of specific conditions, including statewide voter approval, is met.”

So that’s not a ban, that’s a moratorium.

Minnesota already has one.

* There are magic rocks deep underground
* The rocks heat water into steam
* The steam can be used to generate electricity
* This process can be repeated for decades at a time before we need new magic rock
* The rocks have to be watched, or they might explode
* One time the rocks exploded
* The people watching the rocks that day were idiots
* We mostly stopped using the magic rocks

This would be like if we stopped using fire because Grogg the caveman burned down his hut

It would be great if the public read up more on this subject.

So moronic; nuclear is the best answer we have against climate change.

I can understand why Hawaii, California, and Oregon would ban nuclear plants (probably not a great idea to build them in areas with high volcanic and seismic activity), but why the other states?

I’m surprised by Minnesota, you would think someone would’ve asked Walz about that during the campaign.

Here’s where my electricity comes from in California by PG&E

38% • Renewable

49% • Nuclear

8% • Large Hydro

5% • Natural Gas

NJ has the active Salem nuke power plant so it bans new ones?

California is in the process of recertifying it’s last remaining nuclear power plant and has so much excess energy from solar and wind it has to sell it at a loss to other states. Currently trying to increase storage capacity to use that energy in state

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