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Imagine having to split your hard earned honey.

She must probably have choose another bear


I had a lucid dream once where I was being chased by a lion. I ran and jumped off a cliff. At this point, I realized I was dreaming, did a handspring off the ground back to the top of the cliff, and punched the lion. I really wish I could consciously control this more often.

Did you put your arm around him and offer words of support and encouragement?

If a bear is chasing you, does that mean you’ve got a bear behind? 

Oh….would it help if I kept running?

I read that this is precisely what you should do if you start to have a bad acid trip

I did not expect that hahaha

Lucid dream really be like that

Should’ve given him a bear hug

I wouldn’t say wholesome, but this is something I really like for some reason

So the bear was trying to stress eat

i would be too if i lost half my honey

This is why women choose the bear

maybe he was just looking for something that makes him busy so that he will forgot about the divorce and then suddenly he saw you so he decided to chase you just to make fun of it

Here i was thinking you were about to tell the bear you will prevent forest fires

Dog Heaven is Squirrel Hell, it’s a very efficient system

I had a dream last week in which i was in a shoe store and suddenly my shoes were missing. I stopped in my tracks and went “damn brain why are you taking my shoes???” Haha i had a laugh when i woke up

At least you listened

And people wonder what the fun is in lucid dreaming.

Imagine if dreams were collab missions all along and we never knew?

Like, one night you’re having a nightmare being chased by a monster because your brain has decided that’s what you need to prepare you for a stressful future event. But for someone else, *their* brain has decided they need to improve their career drive so they set them up to chase a bunny rabbit.

With some cosmic-level god mixing and matching suitable dreams together.

I had a lucid dream roughly 10 years ago

I was on top of an aircraft carrier that was actually an airship. There is a kids show that i used to watch where the main character would turn into a dragon when he said a certain phrase.

I’ve sad that phrase in the dream, turned into a dragon and that’s where I gained consciousness inside the dream.

I jumped off the carrier into the sea of clouds below. I was genuinely flying and completely conscious of it.

I even met another dragon who turned out to be my teacher at the time.

Shout out to Mrs. Biegel, it was fun flying with you. Even more fun than you running detention.

I will remember this dream fondly until I die.

When covid first started I had a dream I was in the woods fighting a bear with vaccine syringes between each finger trying to stab it.

I used to have recurring nightmares of my cat where it would always end with him jumping at me. The secpnd to last dream I had of him had me say “not today” and fight back, and the last one had me ask if we could just chill out and he said “hmm, let me think about that,” and then it ended.

I had a lucid dream where I had a headache and it really hurt so I broke into someone’s home to rifle through their stuff looking for ibuprofen or Tylenol. While digging through some drawers since I couldn’t find their bathroom, I hadn’t noticed a woman sitting at a table until she started freaking the fuck out and screaming that she’s going to call the police.

I just looked at her and waved my hands and said, “No, no, no! It’s okay, it’s fine! This is *my* dream. This isn’t real. I just have a headache.”
She goes, “Oh. Okay.” then sits back down like nothing happened and I continued to just throw her stuff around.

Never found those dream meds for my dream headache, but I did wake up with an awful headache and had to pee.

That’s not a joke, bearing down through a divorce is hard.

I once had a similar dream where I was in a haunted house and was truly scared until I saw a vampire and thought to myself “vampires don’t exist” and spent the rest of the dream just wandering through the haunted house carefree.

I miss my wife, Tails

I hear ya,Smokey

That’s brilliant.

OK but this is basically the plot to a winnie the pooh book. Pooh falls asleep and dreams a heffalump is attacking him, stealing his honey, and covering his head with an empty honeypot. He wakes up and is scared and he talks to piglet and then Christopher Robin, who tells him not to be scared, and that he’s in charge of his dreams. Christopher Robin goes on to say that if he dreams about a heffalump again to tell him “heffalump go away.” He fall asleep, dreams of the heffalump again and does this, the heffalump gets upset and starts crying saying he was just hungry so pooh and the heffalump share a jar of honey.

TLDR: this is stolen content from a [Winnie the Pooh book](

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