Having to *pay* for donating your child’s organs.

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My dad died of a heart attack. There was an extra $3k charge on his hospital bill because he was brought to the ER “after hours”. I now tell people to try to die between 8am-5pm.

This is not mildly infuriating. I have other words I’m thinking of

This is the kind of things heath insurance CEOs get shot for.

When grief isn’t enough, they throw in a bill for good measure.


i wouldnt want to be that CEO

Yeah this would send me on a John wick type journey

If you read the original poster’s X account, this was UCLA’s billing screwup, and Anthem actually assigned a patient advocate and took care of the situation. There was no charge in the end. Anthem can be shitty, but this was not one of those times.

Makes good business sense from the perspective of insurance companies. Discourage organ donation because the recipient will need expensive surgery, follow-up care, and drugs for life or they can die, which is free.

Why is for-profit insurance a good idea again?

You only get caught if you go to McDonald’s after the fact…

You’d think the death of a child would be payment enough!

When my dad died, they called in the middle of the night, woke my mother up to request authorization to remove organs immediately for use.

She’d already spent the better part of the day going over it. Begging to just give a blanket yes, just take them all.

I woke up to her sobbing and begging them to just leave her alone and take whatever they needed but to please just leave her be. The woman on the other end was rude, dismissive and kept pushing so my mother refused and wanted to hang up, at this point I was there and tried to end the call for her. The bitch on the other end tried to tell me i was disgracing my father’s dying wishes to save someone else.

I’ll never, ever sign my donor card again. I won’t put my SO or anyone in my family through that. Something I think about often, because I’ve always been a big believer in organ donation. Smh

the hospital shouldn’t even be trying to bill anything for that imo.


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I heard CEOs were in season this year

What backwards country is this in

And they wonder why Luigi has such a large number of supporters this week.

This type of charge should be automatically eaten by the hospitals.

What bullshit.

I’d simply write “This is why healthcare CEOs get shot” in the most permanent marker I could find on the bill and mail it back

Wow. What a way to discourage people their relatives donating organs. How can there be a country with so much money flowing but still forcing these bills upon the bereaved families?

Paying to donate your dead child’s organs, such a pathetic and disgusting act by insurance companies.

These are the types of things that drive people to do the unthinkable for the betterment of society. We have lost our way some how and I’m sorry that you have to face the cold of what has become.

I’m sorry (from the UK) but how the fuck is this a real thing? You have lost a loved one, your doctor asks if you want to donate organs because other dying people need them and YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THE FUCKING PRIVILEGE?!?!?!

I knew the American health care system was fucked but how has a situation happened where refusing to donate a loved ones organs is personally the better choice than helping other sick and dying people who need donated organs.

No matter the insurance no matter the doctors, or the hospital or the location. Donating organs should always be free

I hope we’re all thinking the same thing. Shame it isn’t gonna happen but at least there’s a bit of comfort knowing that we all agree on something here

Wtf, I’d ask for a refund. Give me the organ back then

My dad died as a result of a cardiologist fuck up.

The hospital billed a quarter million dollars for the ICU and surgery after this. We didn’t pay, obviously, but even after the legal settlement the hospital still got paid 91k from Medicare for causing the injuries that killed him and then trying to save him.

It’s like if I burned your house down the pissed on the ashes and charged you for the water I drank before I pissed.

In what world would you be charged for that? That’s not your bill to pay

This is how you get Luigi’s. I’d never condone what he did because there is a wife and two children going in to Christmas without a father, but this is definitely the shit that does it…

I’m praying Brian Thompson’s assination will be the American equivalent of Shinzo Abe’s and lead to a structural overall

(Of course it won’t though)

Hey Anthem, Luigi would like a word.

That’s fucking disgusting!!

That’s probably the worst thing I have seen on Reddit in a long time. Wtf

This charge should be covered by the hospital/donor network.

I am unaware of any state that would not apply to.

Surely you can’t be billed for “donating” something?

The very word means you’re giving at no charge.

Can we start a revolution now please?

I’ve heard really bad things about the US healthcare system but this might actually be the worst one; that is nothing short of evil.

Yea.. well then, no organs for you.
The fuck is this shit!?

These are the stories that need to be shared. Why do these greedy fucking cunts get to be the deciding factor of these things? If it was their family they would use every resource they have to do whats right.. not for us though. What the fuck are we all even paying so much for on insurance and we can’t even get the basic health care or medicine people need? I have friends that have to pay over $200 out of pocket for their DIABETES medicine.. without it they DIE. Thank god they have a good enough job to support themselves.. meanwhile SO MANY PEOPLE ARE JUST FUCKING DYING FOR NO REASON. I’m fed up!!!! I hope a big change happens soon.. it has to.

Has anybody seen Luigi?


We need more.


Luigi Mangione is the person to call

I think the CEO of the insurance company should meet my friend Luigi.

Then they re outraged why people cheer insurance ceo getting shot

This ceo should be hunter

I think this has got to be, with good margin, the single most disgusting thing I’ve ever read on this platform.

My husband passed in September. Lifelink, who handles organ donation in my area, gave me a contact person and number and said if anything is charged to me that I think was related to the donation process send it to them immediately.
I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Maybe reach out to the company that handles the donation.

I would not acknowledge this and never pay it

I removed the organ donor option from my driver’s license. If more people knew about this charge I would think that they will do the same.

It really feels like there is no reward for being a good person. Donating organs means you are literally giving life to others at the cost of your own life. I am shocked that you would be expected to pay anything more.

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