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It gets more beautiful. The professor went on to sell the ownership of insulin to the university of Toronto practically free and said “Insulin doesn’t belong to me, it belongs to the world”.

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Wow! I can’t even imagine the magnitude of celebration and hope in that room.

I couldn’t begin to imagine the relief that those parents must’ve felt.
Like literally waiting for your child to die, and then all of a sudden they are fine. Almost in tears thinking about it

T1D here…one of our very callous Conservative PMs (Harper) tried to get doctors in Canada to deny health care to undocumented citizens and was quickly shut down by thousands of doctors. One of the examples used by a doctor to our PM is “Have you ever seen a child with type 1 diabetes die of ketoacidosis? It’s excruciating.”

And then someone saw the money bags and started screwing everyone over.

[Here’s a little more information for those who want it.](

And then insurance companies stepped in to deny 32% of the claims.

That is so cool! Thanks for this post!

Banting and Best. The flame of hope burns until a cure is found.

And in 100 years they’ll make you ration this miracle drug so you can die pointlessly despite technological advancements.

Just this once, everybody lives!

I’ve been through DKA, no coma, but my blood sugar was >1000 mg/dl (55 mmol/l) upon admission. My back was hurting so bad, it hurt to breathe. I thought I pulled a muscle from throwing up so much, obviously I was wrong. DKA causes breathing issues, actually, it pretty much has an impact on every bodily function in some way.

I was diagnosed as type 1 at 29 years old. My previous doctor said I was type 2 and put me on trulicity, jardiance, glimepiride (at different times), all of which are for type 2. I believe it was the Jardiance that threw me into DKA.


And now in 2024 the U.S. has elected the most anti-vaccine and anti-science cabinet in U.S. history.

My son was in icu with DKA the week of Thanksgiving. It was terrifying. I can’t imagine years ago having only the option of watching your child die.

If insulin was invented today, the person who owned the patent would think “I could easily charge $1000 for one dose of this miracle drug”

So I almost died of Diabetic keto-acidosis

It really is amazing how fast taking insulin will fix this .


But RFK jr says insulin is not needed.

Must have been such a Wonderful Day indeed!!!! 😊đŸĨ°

Thats wonderful đŸĨš

Being in that room would feel biblical!

Beautiful story, too bad my American healthcare system sells insulin for more than most can afford.

CEOs of health insurance companies hate this one trick!

Click to find out what it is!

the scientists were probably treated like gods or felt like one, and rightfully so.

Science at work

Canada also invented DNA phenotyping that is used to find criminals through other family members DNA.

Twist: and then somebody said their kid caught autism.

Is that nurse wearing a flipping corset?

And to think just a few decades later, the horror of pineapple on pizza would be released upon the Earth, upending all social and medical advances of the past 2000 years.

Would be interested to know if this was the first trial of it in humans and what rules, ethics, consent, quality control they had to follow. No way today can Prof make something in the lab, walk over to the childrens ward and start injecting, with fingers crossed

Sad to think if they did this today, half the parents in that room, would verbally and physically assault the doctors for trying to inject their child with the woke mind virus, then go on Fox and explain how doctors let their child die for not administering ivermectin and uv light.

What a moment that must’ve been

Doctor: “Third times a charm…those people on Tuesday were SO angry”


Aw 🙂 I love hearing this story.

UofT represent!

UofT mentioned đŸ—Ŗī¸đŸĻĢđŸ—Ŗī¸đŸŒŗ

3ml cost 9â‚Ŧ in germany

That’ll be 600USD a month, please.

How did they sintecized insulin in 1922?

And then pharma stepped in.

See also: Oliver Sacks, promoter for L-Dopa to treat catatonic patients;

Depicted in ‘Awakenings’ starring Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro, an incredible true story.

If only they could have known that 100 years later a man with a brainworm would decide that things like vaccines and insulin are fake and gay. And that a clown who uses orange facepaint would allow Mr. Brainworm to get rid of such things.

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