That isn’t just messed up, that’s fucking criminal

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They lobby against funding cancer research and new therapies too.

And now you can see why actually nobody gave a single fuck that he’s dead now

If they are part of ACA they kept a good amount of taxpayer money. If taxpayers subsidize a business there should be government audits and limits on CEO pay. Talk about the swamp. It will get swampier under trump.

BE 👏
A 👏

Is America truly just catching onto this?

like a casino – the house always wins

Insurance Companies are good at denying at this point. It’s an art to them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are prepared for this. If pressure keeps mounting, I bet they add another appeals step in, call if something like an Angel Appeal or something stupid like that. It will be great. It will add all kinds of extra hoops and paperwork in, but it will actually work. They will get praise for this extra step. Then, the next year, they will strip a couple of things out. And again the next year, and the next. Eventually, it will just be an extra step of paperwork leading to the same denial you would have gotten today. But by then, we’ll be on to the next thing, and it’ll fly under the radar. Prove me wrong, America.

Companies should not be allowed to deny claims period. If i pay for it to be covered and my Dr says I need it that’s the end of the discussion imo.

USA, you are capitalizing machine. Medicine to you is a business, not a right. Things won’t ever be fixed with the Tronald Dump in the “White” house neither.

In the United States people pay for healthcare insurance in order to receive healthcare. Those same insurance companies deny claims.  In the case of UnitedHealth, they have a record of denying 38% of their claims. And they are proud of that. So that’s 38% of people who pay for insurance through United Health who are denied coverage for necessary healthcare despite having paid for said insurance. Those people often go on to die, live in incredible pain, or leave their entire family in medical debt. There is no defense for this system that allows people to die while investors profit. Insurance companies and their investors are leeching off the system and responsible for Americans’ inflated healthcare costs. 

Sorry your CEO’s claim for sympathy could not be processed and was denied due to out of network coverage limitations. Fuck right off!

Welcome to the new America under Trump, cause it is just gonna get a whole lot worse after Jan 20th.


Company could’ve actually paid the claims like they’re supposed and still made a ton of money. Instead, it’s a game to see how much of people’s money you can take from them before they die.

It only took a couple days for them to replace their CEO. Excellent turnaround. They may want to keep a bunch more spares around, because they sure aren’t doing anything to make people *less* happy to see the next one go down.

They can legally kill with a rubber stamp. With one quick push of the “denied” button. Just like that.
And make a profit from that death !!

How is this morally, or legally allowed.
Is a death by insurance rejection, any different than a death by a gun ?
Neither should be justified, and yet one of them is.

They made $23,000,000,000 in profits in 2023.

That’s $23 Billion that Americans paid in to the health care industry that went to providing exactly zero health care services to anyone, anywhere in the country or outside of it.

This system is so broken. Imagine how many medical procedures can be done for $23,000,000,000 this year.

UH: We had record profits in 2022! Let’s do better this year! More denials people, and together we can reach our goal: double bonuses this quarter!!! Woooo we are going to Disney World!

It’s the American dream! If you are not happy, start your own health insurance company… /s

You could call this murder

We are in the end game now. This is late stage capitalism, like pretty far late stage. The whole purpose of keeping the nation devided in all these different ways is to ensure certain things that are goodf for the people do not happen, because it would impact the oligarchs and the corporations.

How will the fat cats extract billions out of the economy off the backs of sick people if universal healthcare is here?!?

This shit is all beyond sickening, but I don’t think the people in the state the nation in in now is anywhere near ready to tackle these issues and steer society towards a more equitable future. Honestly I have more confidence in climate change getting here and destroying humanity before Americans would ever come together to vote for their best interests and tackle a lot of the power back from the ruling class overlords. We’re fucking done…

Stocks gotta go up and the only way that happens in their business model is to fuck over even more people every year. There has to be a limit at some point right?

its criminal when the criminals decide to investigate and prosecute themselves

until then it’s just profit made legally. they have families, friends, responsibilities. they’re making profit the way the US told them they could.

now you want it to change? now you want it to be free? so do I, but what will they do for money?

so this won’t change. we will get over it. or we will change.

Just evil

How can shit like this be allowed. Holy shit. 20Billion and they can’t pay claims. Sounds like a scam.

Usually the CEO retires, moves to some Mediterranean sea side exotic mansion. And then gets free health care in Europe!

Free Luigi

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