This should be ILLEGAL!

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The one on the right is going 56. The one in the middle is going 57. The one on the left is going 58.

On a lot highways in the US trucks aren’t allowed in the left lane.

I heard this being called an elephant race. Translated from another language from another country somewhere. Canโ€™t recall the details exactly but itโ€™s what I use now when I see this happen on the highway ๐Ÿ˜

It is. Any experienced highway patrol will make anyone in the far left lane move over unless they are using that lane to pass

It would still require a cop to actually be around to do something about it though

They’re not allowed to, it’s basic CDL driving school material. A lot of the times, it’s on purpose

Edit: *source: worked dispatch 5 years, drove OO 3 years*

Appreciate the work truckers do, but fuck truckers man. I usually get the ones that will wait until I’m just *barely* behind them and then merge into my lane to block my pass. Not to mention several times where I almost got hit because the trucker didn’t bother actually looking in the mirrors before merging.

All 3 with their cruise control set within a mph of each other.


they need to get rid of speed-limiters and GPS tracking by insurance companies. makes things unsafe.

Semi/box trucks, passenger/commercial vehicles towing trailers, and occasionally busses typically arenโ€™t allowed to use the left lane unless itโ€™s an emergency. They sometimes will quickly use it to pass a slow-moving vehicle, but otherwise, they are not allowed to maintain sustained travel in the left lane.

It is, they just donโ€™t care

A lot of truck do stuff that should be illegal
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There’s a pretty good chance that the truck in the left lane is illegally there

i just drove cross country recently and this shit happened way too often. get stuck behind a bunch of trucks trying to pass each other (despite all going about the same speed). they block traffic for 10 miles until they finally get over. you cruise for maybe 5-10 miles until you hit the next group of truck fucks doing the same exact thing. it is absolutely infuriating. added 4 hours and a lot of head aches to the trip.

It is in some places. It’s called a rolling roadblock. It’s also illegal for the truck to be in the passing lane in some places. Getting it enforced is a different problem.

Former OTR truck driver here. All three of these drivers are just being assholes. Right lane guy could have backed off a couple MPH and let middle lane get ahead and get over, and driver in the left lane should never even be in that lane to begin with; should have waited for the other two to sort out their situation.

Company trucks are usually governed between 60-65 and have a time-limited “passing” mode that goes to 67-68 mph.

You think truck drivers are bad, some of the 4-wheelers need to look in the mirror, lol. One year on the road for a truck driver is more driving than most people do in their lives.


I too hate Large semis!

They donโ€™t give a fuck they are bigger than you, Iโ€™ve known a ton of truckers and they all agree- signal twice and go- fuck everyone else.. nothing we can do in our cars and 1500 pickups but sit behind them getting more and more and more pissed, as they literally have no idea you are even there, or better yet, are doing it on purpose. Try breathing techniques.. ๐Ÿ™‚relax.

It is on three or more lanes

Elephant races!

Especially since they kick up rocks that crack our windshields so often.

What normally happens is the guy on the left has a larger load and went to pass the middle guy. The middle guy probably has a lighter load and once they started going uphill the guy on the left could not accelerate. If the middle driver would just slow down and let the guy on the left back in it would make things better.

Where there are enforced truck lanes (there are a few places scattered through the US) cars and trucks can BOTH get to where they are going with a lot less awkwardness like this. they ought to be *everywhere*.

My dad always called this Elephant Racing.

Trucker here. The problem is the right lane trucker refuses to slowdown and let them pass. That’s the only solution. Some trucks go faster than others because it depends on the weight being hauled. Trust me, there are many times I’m at full throttle but cant go above 58.

Is this the 401 Ontario???

This is so true, I even got name for it. I called it truck blocking.

Semis ruin the express ways, we should have invested into a large railway system a long time ago but that would be extremely expensive

In most states it is. Semis aren’t allowed in the far left lane

It is, most places.

It *is* illegal. It’s also not a high priority for law enforcement — they can’t be everywhere to enforce every law at every moment.

It should be illegal whether itโ€™s trucks or cars – drives me crazy.

It is illegal in a lot of states where I drive. At least the left lane part.

I have driven over 1k miles a week for 6 plus years. I can say without a doubt that truck drivers fuck with other vehicles for pure entertainment reasons.

They do this on purpose. It’s a bunch of low IQ inbred pieces of rat shit who get on the radio together and laugh as they ride side by side for miles and miles without letting anybody pass them. If i was a cop I’d pull these motherfuckers over and give them the most expensive ticket possible. They are all laughing at us when they do this formation.

It is! This is illegal.

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