Just gonna leave this here for later comparison

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I’m a liberal but we need to be careful with our messaging cause this is the stuff that makes people not trust democrats.

First of all, stop talking about the job growth. Everyone knows the bulk of it was driven by people getting their jobs back after the pandemic.

Second, we can’t just ignore the inflation. It’s obviously mostly out of Biden’s control (global supply chain issues post-COVID) but people don’t know that. We need to be better explaining how US compared in inflation to the rest of the world and how the US got it down WITHOUT a recession.

When you cherry pick stats, people get turned off.

Lowered cost for families? Which families? I’m broke af.

And my health care costs still astronomical

I’m so glad my family could save 5 cents on a hotdog during the 4th of July….July to us Biden.

Lowered cost for families? Lmfao no

Wages increased by $4000? Houses increased by $200,000 or 50%

Cool story. Too bad nobody felt any of these amazing effects of Bidenomics (lol) except the 1%.

What about the border…is that secure? What about inflation…is that down? What about gas prices…is that down?

“Created 16m jobs”?

How many of that 16m were return to work after their shutdowns?


Lol, yeah this is a big fat load of shit!!

Lets create a graphic and pretend Covid wasn’t a thing

Lmao what an absolute crock of shit.

Ya idc how much cope you post, the country is in a shit spot

What is this dumb ass shit lmao

Hey, neat. I appreciate the documentation of “here is why democrats lost the election” infographic. They made claims that when you look outside your window or inside your bank account didn’t seem to align with reality. At lest for me, my friends, and pretty much anyone else I knew that voted.

I’ve lost complete faith in little graphics like this. Middle class is screwed. We all know it.

Tis’ the season for cherry pickin’

My income most certainly didn’t increase the last 4 years but ya know what did? The cost to live.

“16 million jobs created” lmfao

Thankfully most people saw and see through BS like this

Jesus Christ these incessant partisan posts making me hate this sub

This is complete and unadulterated bullshit

Lower cost of what? I can’t see it… op you are an idiot

Dude what a funny chart,you can tell when a chart is made by a certain political side whether it be made by dems or repubs lol. This is hilarious almost fucking nobody is making 4k more a year.

You lost me after “16 million jobs created” being “allowed” to return to work after a pandemic is NOT a job created. This is the exact crap the media used when everyone lost all trust in them. You also forgot “best economy ever” and “lowest inflation ever”

When you tell people were doing better than we ever have and have more money than we ever had… it only takes a 2 sec look at your bank account to say otherwise. Also, unemployment no longer reports you as unemployed after 6 months. The entire country could be unemployed for 8 months, it the unemployment rate would be 0%.

This is 100% laughable.

>12.6% GDP Growth

When you figure your starting spot is a global pandemic, you don’t get to reap the claimed benefits of the recovery. Dial that to 2019 and lets compare.

>16 million jobs created

See above.

>1.6 million jobs created in construction and manufacturing

See above.

>Lowest average unemployment rate

See above.

>Incomes are up

lol. Reddit has been saying for the last 4 years about how their incomes aren’t up.

>Lowered costs for families

*citation needed*

>20 million new business applications

*citation needed*

>Workers filing for union representation

How exactly is this because of the administration? If it is, I’d say its more of a negative, because they’ve felt the needed to under Biden, because things haven’t been going well.

>$1 trillion announced

*Announced*!? Oh boy! If we can just count shit we’ve said, why not go all out?

Yea these graphs are even inflated

Checks bank account, 1 moment please, …yells BULL💩

Imagine thinking double the number of workers applying for union protection is a good economic indicator.

Do you mean for later correction?

The problem with that whole chart is that they are using data starting in 2021 when the world was shutdown. Unemployment was nearly at 7% when they took office compared to half of that just the year before. Unemployment is actually higher now than it was in 2019 pre Covid. This is textbook cooking the books. Numbers never lie but the person who presents them does.

According to Zillow. The cost to own a home has increased from 59,000 up to 129,000 between the years 2020 and 2024. Biden could have provided subsidized loans for single family home owners(fuck greedy landlords tho) instead of dumping money into foreign wars and programs for illegal immigrants…

Harris lost because despite what CNN and NBC claims, Americans are not doing better financially after 4 years of Bidenomics…

Yes I believe ALL OF THIS 😂

More comments than likes. Always a universal sign that everyone agrees

Bruh this is total bullshit

Bye Joe


> Just gonna leave this here

For me to poop on!

This is laughable – w/ their bizarre, woke-led anti-energy policies they 2x the cost of gas and 4x the cost of NG in many areas. Which had a explosive effect on basic commodities – especially food.


What lowered costs are you talking about? I haven’t seen lowered costs in my lifetime. Inflation keeps increasing, doesn’t matter who is president

Jobs “created” after the pandemic took them away

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