I made a pilgrimage in NYC to the place where a certain son-of-a-bitch was denied life coverage

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Instead of flowers, people should just leave their insurance bills


Thoughts and…


Just thoughts, actually.

When people visit this spot it should be tradition the throw some Monopoly money down.

> Loading

More like unloading

Hey that place looks very familiar!

Should wear a Luigi costume next time you go.

I bet if you send this to Luigi in prison he’d be happy to autograph it for you. He’s got the time.

Just a thought… Could we all start a legit organization that lends people funds to hire attorneys and take health insurance companies to court? With a requirement that the borrowed funds be reimbursed when there’s a ruling in favor of the client? That way we can gain traction suing the hell out of them and bombard the system until something more is done.


I have never been to the USA, it turns out that the scene is very familiar to me.

I’m glad you got to go there. It should be a historical site. The first place where the modern working American struck the first blow to the oligarchs.

Stopping by tomorrow to throw a banana peel

Do rich people pour better alcohol, like high-end champagne, on the sidewalks when one of their boys catches a bullet?

If the UK can have a formal holiday for Guy Fawkes, a dude who tried to blow up their parliament, I don’t see why we shouldn’t commemorate Luigi in our own fashions.

There are more of us than there are of them.

Good Lord I wish I had that much free time

So none of his friends/family left flowers were he died or anything? After stepping over his body to continue the meeting, just nothing, huh? They were trying to make us feel bad that he died because “he has a wife/kids!” yet I don’t think even the people that knew him cared.

Serious question…

Was it 5th Avenue? 

Here before the mods lock this post

Why is there no shrine or candles or flowers or anything?

Everyone should just leave Luigi hats there

Love the bots in here. Deny the shooter was justified. Delay the revolution. Depose the leaders.

December 4th should be Mangione Day. People who can call out sick from work that day should. We should all make Italian/Italian-American food for dinner.

What an absolutely bizarre thing to do

How edgy.

How long until this post is yanked… democracy at its finest

Don’t forget what happened, and why.

So, where is the unloading area?

They should name the street after his mother 

I get not liking the rich, but acting like it’s ok to kill someone you don’t like is absolutely unbelieveable to me.

Go see the Rockefeller tree when you visit nyc in December?

No !!! , go check out the infamous December violent sites of manhattan

1945— Mott Street, Little Italy, …while his nincompoop son stands watch guarding him , a mob boss is shot five times, but survives

1980 — John Lennon killed on west 72nd street by a fan, hours after he gave the fan an autograph

1984 — 14th street subway station , bespeckled passenger shoots four muggers asking him for 5 dollars

1985 — different mob boss is killed on east 46 street , as he was entering a restaurant to eat a succulent steak dinner.

1993 —- penn station , complete mad man buys a ticket and shoots 25 commuter passengers on their way home to Long Island

2024 – insurance executive shot dead by disgruntled impotent Ivy Leaguer on west 54 street ,
outside the same conference hotel that Michael Clayton in 2007, on the second floor, slyly confronted the lawyer for the chemical company …. https://youtu.be/NYknJmoDDPs?si=FF9ozRp0EkZ58V6o

Y’all are starting to remind me of Columbiners

You sound like a young John Grisham.  Who was the real deal.   It’s very appealing I haven’t heard that voice in so long.  Nice.  Just a nice guy.  

Is that Colin Quinn?

I want to know how The Adjuster knew where to find his target. What kind of tactics did he use to find him walking alone at 6am on a Wednesday morning.

Not cool

As the once great poet said “my 44 make sure all yall kids don’t grow”

What street is that on?

I stayed at like a Marriott in Midtown for a work trip. I wonder how far away it is from that spot.

What I REALLY wanna know is…if there’s any relationship to Chuck🎺


Look it’s Mr. Robots dad coming out of the hotel!

Sad lack of Luigi plushies.

We need an installation with the saying on it there.

Is it just me, or this is getting really fucking creepy? The guy deserved it, sure, but how about we don’t worship murder sites?

You walked through midtown.  Good for you I guess 

Can someone draw an outline in white chalk? Or perhaps power-wash the concrete in the same said outline? Or maybe add a walk of fame star? Would love to visit later

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