Brand new 1kg bag of peas split open. My kitchen now belongs to the peas.

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Peas was never an option.

Once you find peas in your new situation, you will find happiness.

You’ve pea’d allover the floor!

Rest in peas.

So not only did you pea on the floor but also pea’ed on the washing machine… the counter…The Stove?!

Suprised you didnt pea all over the wall and ceiling!

Give peas a chance!


Your total lack of counter space, particularly in a tiny kitchen, gives me serious anxiety.

One chunky hamster could have this cleaned up in no time 🐹


My dog:


I’m sure they’ll rule your kitchen peasfully.

Came to the comments to see Americans reactions to the washing machine. Wasn’t disappointed.

Seriously though, most of our houses aren’t big enough for a separate room just for the washing machine etc.
no en-suites, laundry rooms, utility rooms etc.

Its a good incentive to clean your kitchen.

Split peas?

I tore my hamstring awhile back and dropped some myself. Couldn’t bend over to pick them up.

Dog wouldn’t even eat them.

I ended up vacuuming them up.

Something something modern problems.
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Is it common to have your washing machine in the kitchen right next to the stove in the UK? Looks odd

Visualize whirled peas.

The peas must flow!

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Burn the house down, it’s the only way to stop them!

Those peas are trying to split!

May pea-ce be with you

I’d be so pea-d off.


Best alert the authorities, seems you’ve got some escapeas.

Peas out! ✌️

Washing machine in the kitchen is wild

Who pead on the floor

‘Tis the season for peas on Earth I guess.

My dog would have those cleaned up in about 4 minutes!

Now every time you hoover you’ll hear one tinging it’s way up the tube

Wow, it looks so peasful

whatever you do – don’t get a pigeon to clean up this mess.

they will find each and every pea – but they will shit ungodly amounts everywhere

You know, if you rinse those off and put them in the blender, you’ll have solved whirled peas.

Your kitchen is the site of whirled peas

You should be proud

Did the same with red lentils took me 3 years to stop seeing them

You could split ownership between you and the peas

You need my dog Hugo. He will clean your stove and your floor. Yesterday he stole an entire big apple from the bottom of my purse that was HANGING on a hook. And ate it. He loves fruit and veg. I will rent him out for a small fee.

Peas to all who enter here


Peas be upon you

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