Stolen right from their facebook

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That’s so weird, I could swear he was watching the Lord of the Rings extended edition in a marathon with me at exactly that time and date

Damn that’s a good guy right there. Dropping everything to help out, hates 3D printed rounds, AND was 2,800 miles from Manhattan at the time of the shooting? That’s so cool.

LUIGI IS A DYSTOPIA FAN CONFIRMED?!?!?!?!?!?! the fucking goat

If the set was lit, you must acquit

Extremely based.

I’ve come to rather dislike the memes for the typical flood of low-effort they are, but this one is quite funny.

Liked them before but I love them now. 

Let’s play with GIMP sloppily

I see some pixels

This guy is never going to lose the court of public opinion.

the dude looks like a really nice guy, too 😊

Wait, so this guy knows everyone? Japanese poker players? Metal bands? Locals?

How is a person this social? My brother how many connections do you have?

He is a bigger hero than any law enforcement will ever be.

Jury nullification is going to be a bitch of an obstacle for prosecution in this case


He’s a metal fan??! 🥵

I can’t tell what timeline I am in anymore.


Amazing haha

What a swell guy.

I could have sworn he was crashing on my couch that morning, couldn’t have been him.

With a bad back too

Sleepy Joe needs to cancel out the Hunter pardon with Luigi.

Nah, we playing Tekkrn that night. Luigi always gets King and button mashes. He wins every time.

Obstruction of injustice .

I also have a photo with Luigi but I don’t show it because then the news networks would chase me.

I work in Point Arena….this is weirding me out.


Praying the Police are incompetent enough to buy this 🙏

I saw the getting a coffee at 6am on december 4th in portland oregon

Not possible at all. Me and Luigi were discussing about how to find and save princess peach on December 4th at 6 am

beautiful luigi

Terrible Photoshop

If someone sees Luigi around town, let him know that I think our bags got swapped.

I’ve got some papers and a gun in there, so I definitely need it back. 😅

The amount of people in this thread praising him is ridiculous. The man is a monster. I mean, seriously, who hates hoodies?

A dream, me and Luigi playing Backstabber of Dystopia 😱

his brows. they are so luscious

Fucking losers defending this guy 😂

Is this that really shitty band that opened the Immolation tour last year?

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