True or nah?

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My warframe is strong

region chat exists but other than that then yeah DE is very lgbtq friendly


like we don’t even care about your gender, just play and be a decent human being.

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Holds true to Warframe as well

there’s a pride event every june and there’s a decent amount of lgbt characters.

it doesn’t go out of it’s way to insert a ton of lgbt characters, but this game definitely isn’t lgbt unfriendly

I mean from a gender identity angle its very friendly. You can take a male operator base, and layer a female one on top, and merge them until they align with your preferred blend (and vis versa). You can make the cutest most feminine looking drifter in the world and give them the deepest most masculine voice option (and vis versa)

The player character is always referred to as “Operator” or some other descriptor they never directly use pronouns. You can make your Operator one phenotype and your drifter another and the game just readily accepts “yes this masculine individual is the same person as this feminine one”

This all on top of the fact regardless of what your Operator/Drifter is, they can pilot Feminine or Masculine or even gender Neutral frames. You can take your macho man drift and put him inside a frame with the biggest boobs and ass in the universe and it’s not treated as weird or unusual.

Ya got Ticker sitting right there being openly trans. So for the “T” it’s very friendly and honestly empowering.

As for the rest well we got Loid and Albrecht right there having the most homoerotic Employer-Employee relationship I have seen in years, we got background lore like Dagaths that imply the Orokin were happy to engage with relationships regardless of the persons sex. We got the upcoming romance options for the Hex agents that aren’t gonna be bound by any rules relating to how your character presents.

Then we got the Sisters of Parvos who you couldn’t possibly convince me otherwise is a collective of powerful Corpus lesbians taking advantage of Parvos’s weird hang up about his brother and father to empower themselves

Then ofc the pride celebration every year and the new art and sigil that comes with it

Game? Yes. Fanbase? Variable.

Game has some of the most realistic depictions of LGBT characters in gaming with none of them being overly stereotypical and all of them being characters beyond their identity

We also have a pride event in June

And if you’re into the subreddits in jokes, june is when we all gather round for the annual banning of the bigots

pride celebration every year, somewhat questionable relationship between albrecht and loid, drifter can soon date both genders

Literally two gay men are a key part in one of the biggest story arcs right now and it’s amazing

every game is LGBTQ friendly as long as they’re not anti-LGBTQ…

Definitely, my teammates call me gay all the time even though I’m not. It’s just nice to be included in the community.

I mean, have you met Ticker and saw her lore? When they do LGBTQ rep, they do it good. Not just a checklist and token representation, but full fledged characters.

It’s highly LGBTQIA+ friendly. Just go talk to Ticker in Fortuna. She’s open about love, and even runs their Valentines event. She’s also transgender, and you’d only know it if you paid attention to her dialog.


> – Has gay and trans representation and will moderate hate speech.

> – Lets you use both same and opposite-gender frames regardless of your character’s body type.

> – Lets you mix (and change at will) body type and voice type across traditional genders.

> – several instances of gender neutral language for traditionally gendered things.

> – Lets you wear pride colors and has pride themed cosmetics.

It’s quite typical for posthumanism in writing to go hand in hand with LGBTQ friendly themes.

It is inclusive without forcing it, not only warframes being gender locked but having shapes like Grendel and Hildryn makes it so body types are represented.
Lloyd and Albrecht are absolutely gay. They do a great job every year with the pride celebration between many other special events.

Yes just don’t mention nezha in chat and you are gucci

LGBTQ friendly? True.

Few people knowing about the game? Nay.

We have gay lovers we have a trans woman we have lesbian lovers we have ..uh… not sure we do have representation in the main casts just not a gisnt lot but it’s there.
The community is very supportive of lgbt rights and even does a pride month with lots of goodies. The community is very friendly in generally all aspects and is only rancid if ppl act otherwise. I’d avoid region chst everything is there at times so it’s not always good it does get handled tho.

entrati is old man doomed yaoi

Dream not of what you are, but who you wish to be – The Lotus

It just lets you do what you wanna do and anything gay is just another character quirk even if they are objectively in a gay relationship.

Genuinely the best way to do it, true normalization.

Wait… “few people know little”?

3 words: old man yaoi

No one cares about your gender, as long as you behave like an adult decent human being, people will be positive towards you, in the game as well as in real life it works the same way.

bro we have a literal non-binary they/them warframe, a femboy warframe, a butch warframe and the dedicate the entire month of pride to celebrating the LGBTQ+ and soon to be several gay characters in 1999, ontop of the fact that all of DE staff either support or ARE part of the LGBTQ+ community.

i dont even know why this is a question, i dont know why in region people deny it. are you all baiting for some kind of response?


Game’s woke as fuck. And we all ride and die for it.

One of the best collor pallets in the game is the queer flag

Game narrative, yes. Game chat… depends on the time of the day.

DE is very lgbtq friendly but players can be hit or miss. In general most players I interacted with don’t care, as long as you don’t try and force them to play along or yap about it all day long. In my clan, its the live and let live mentality.

One of the best written characters Ive ever seen:
comment image?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=499b943dd2865c00c3ec275f6bccd66519486950

“It takes long winter nights to teach a girl how to cultivate within herself invincible summer days.”

Yes, and it doesn’t feel forced like some other companies try to do it

I would say 99% of players couldn’t care less about what your gender is, if you like giving or receiving, or whatever else

It’s way more likely to have an argument with someone about who the best or worst frame in the game is than someone being an asshole about who you sleep with

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