My daughter was born on 12/12/12 at 12:12 and turned 12 today.

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The doctor: โ€œWait! Itโ€™s only 12:10! We gotta make this happenโ€ฆโ€

Wishing her the happiest & most golden of all golden birthdays!ย 

Did u name her dozen

Yeah but the forms werenโ€™t stamped untill the 13th, so that messes everything up. Put her back in, start again

that’s French date format though, in America she was born 12/12 not 12/12

My son was a 12/12/12/ too, but born a few hours later … I wish he could’ve also been a 12/12/12 12:12. ๐Ÿ˜€

This post should have 12 upvotes and 12 comments.

12/12 is also my birthday

That’s more interesting than the r/interestingasfuck posts

“Whats your birthday?”


Joyeux anniversaire ร  elle! Tous mes voeux ๐Ÿ™‚

The 1371 at the top also adds up to 12 ๐Ÿคฏ

On 12/12/12 i turned 12 yrs old ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Your doctor at 12:10.

she’s peaked, her life is now a downhill slide of boring stats that don’t look pretty. unless she makes it to 2112. life goal I guess.

Please share this with her from me. It’s my favorite classic Sesame Street counting song.

Ladybug’s picnic

I know this sounds childish but 12 is my favourite number!

Gotta get her 12 gifts to make it extra special

She is the Chosen One. And today she will save the world.

The doctor knew what they were doing lol.

Joli !

Awesome numbers! What a special gift! Happy Birthday!

Her and I share a birthday today!! Iโ€™m 44! Wish her a happy birthday for me!!

Doing my part for comments/votes.

Happy Birthday, person’s daughter!

You should have named her Twelveย 

A dozen congrats ๐Ÿ‘

OOOOOH this triggered a memory!!!!

I remember being in elementary school on this day! Over the PA the principle made an announcement about “this being the last time that dates will line up for 89 years, when we reach 2101”

Thank you for reminding me of this. And happy birthday to your daughter!

My daughter was born on 12/12/12 too! Just not at 12:12. Thatโ€™s extra awesome!

Why does it say 13 Dec?

happy bday ๐Ÿ™‚

This must mean something ๐Ÿ˜…


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