Even said so hinself

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So the thing he promised, he IMMEDIATELY flipflopped on. 

The dimwit cultists will blame democrats anyway. Fucking morons. 

This was so obviously going to happen. The new narrative will be “The radical liberals fucked up the economy SO MUCH that we can’t fix it” and the cult will absolutely lap it up.

One trumpy member of my extended family , the day after the election, posted on her social media that she loved waking up to the smell of lower grocery and gas prices…….

LOLOLOLOLOL.enjoy your $15 eggs.

It was never about the groceries for his supporters.

Negative 56 days as president and already admitting defeat

“I can’t control the price of groceries. You’d have to be very stupid to think that’s something the president does.”

So Time makes this dumb shit ~~Man of the Year~~ “Most Influential” lol

The cost of owning the libs keeps going up and up and up.

All of a sudden they now understand what inflation means and how it works.

For the last year they made it seem low inflation should result in deflation but now we will be honest that low inflation doesn’t mean prices will drop.

And his voters “high grocery prices are a sign of a healty economy”

delete twitter


You mean Trump made a promise he couldn’t keep….shocker

He’s still not sure what “groceries” actually are. Something to do with eggs and bacon. Something only poor people think about.

And people who voted for him believed he could. Yikes!

Nobody knew that when people keep buying something at a certain price, companies will keep charging that price.

I mean at this point, he’s just saying what we all already know. He didn’t run on fixing prices, he just blamed Biden for inflation. Those who voted for him didn’t care about costs, not really, sure exit polls said they did, but deep down they get aroused by the fact that Trump wants to deport the brown people, jail anyone who disagrees with them and make life harder for people in the LGBT communities.

…after tell us grocery, fuel and electricity costs will be half of what they are now once I’m elected.

What, are you saying he was lying to us, no way not him!

Well, to be fair, he isn’t lying about this. It almost sounds like he spoke to an economist right before meeting with Time who explained how sticky prices worked.

It’s unfortunate that nominal rigidity is such a new concept and hasn’t been taught in economics classes for 80 years… Oh wait, no I’m wrong. Anyone who took Intermediate Micro or Macro is well aware of these problems.

Prices will go up.

Well there goes those cheap eggs that MAGAts wanted. Big shocker.

Why didn’t they ask any of this during the campaign??????

I thought he said he had the best groceries of all the groceries in the grocery store?

Trump a man of his word![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) He didn’t know what groceries were until last week.

No shit.

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Oh this next 4 years is going to be a HOOT! All the fixed income baddies that voted for him for those grocery prices…. Welcome to the Games.

Did Time ask if energy prices would go down by 50% and how that would happen?

Liar lies, more at 10.

Fucking liar.

The groceries do not matter.Its about the sad & scared majority who do not want a woman for prez,especially one who’s not white

This whole thing would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad for everyday people who got fucked over because some inbred trash doesn’t like seeing brown people.

This was the thing that made me laugh the most when I heard coworkers saying they were gonna vote for him. Lol shit isn’t gonna get cheaper guys. If anything COL is going up with his policies. The thing that strikes me most, and I guess it’s not even completely a partisan attribute, is that the average American seems to think a president is going to come in and just do whatever the fuck they want. Donald Trump is in the honeymoon phase of this presidency, no one is telling him no yet. All of this shit he keeps throwing out holds about as much water as the bucket full of Biden canceling all student loans did. 

Man I’m starting to think this guy might be a con man

“well that’s okay. At least we won’t have brown people here anymore. And that’s the important part” ~a Trump Supporter probably

God I hope he royally fucks up EVERYTHING. The amount of glee and I told you so’s coming out of me is gonna be epic.

Well. That is a shock

Yeah, it is very hard if you have no interest whatsoever in doing it

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