It turns out that was a lie all along

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What?! The liar is a liar!? I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you!


Here is a lesson for everyone: when a company sees people willingly or unwillingly to pay a particular price, they usually do not bring down the price unless it is absolutely necessary and people will not buy it anymore no matter what the price is.

The idiots are probably still googling how to change their vote!

Welcome to r/leopardsatemyface

How could the **DEMOCRATS** do this??

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To be fair, that wasn’t the *entire* premise of his campaign.

He also platformed on racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and anti-intellectualism.

I think that’s the part people liked. Because gas is already less than $3 a gallon where I am. I cannot remember the last time it was so cheap.

Gonna be really funny when energy prices start to sky rocket as well, since we get the majority of our energy from Canada… and Comrade Trump wants to Tariff Canada, and they quite literally said they’d turn off our power.

Prepare for higher groceries, higher electric bill, higher gas, and the nice welcome to WW3.

Most of them didn’t really care about inflation when the time came to vote. They just wanted fascism.

Harris said she wanted price caps on some food items and they lost their minds because that’s “communism”.

But yea, I knew he’d back pedal on that. There’s nothing in it for him so why would he bother.

What, not spoiler alert tag?! 😂🤣😂

The question is how many times will you buy a lemon used car from this man before you figure it out?

“These companies are making huge profits from gouging consumers and I won’t even try to stop it.”


Collectively, every liberal just went “No shit Sherlock” and every conservative farted and sniffed even harder. Interesting times.

Pet the pretty leopard eating your faces.

Make America Gullible Again.

He’ll just blame Biden and take no accountability at all. Because to MAGA, going with your feelings (the “outrage” cycle) is all that’s required to feel justified about their vote and take no accountability of their own.

We toooooold you


Voters are stupid to fall for his lies the second time; they have no memories of 2016-2020

Not only are they not coming down but they’re gonna go up once his tariffs tomfoolery take effect. Avocados from Mexico will double in price.

Watch. The second trump get in office oh the economy is greats unemployement is down etc etc. Boy do they love taking the credit. Lets check back in a few years…

We are in the ‘find out’ phase. It’s going to be sad and funny to watch conservatives melt down

Shocking, the liar lied.

Not only that, who thinks the president sets prices,and not the private for profit companies that actually supply gas and groceries?

He said healthcare was hard to.

You know what wasn’t? Giving Americans wealth to the rich. Taxes and Terrifs start with “T”, that’s all “T”rump knows.

Look, just as soon as all the trans people are dead or back in the closet, the gays stop stealing the rainbow, nobody in America speaks Spanish and all the hotels are Trump branded, THEN we will work on that thing with the eggs, unless Elon says not to.


Americans: I’m voting fascist because inflation means I can’t afford anything anymore.

Also Americans: *record breaking black friday/cyber monday spending *

He’s here because enough Americans are dumb as fuck and will believe whatever they read on facebook.

it won’t be ”hard” when he’s done screwing the country.

Prices lowering across the board is called a recession. People really needed to calm down about their damn eggs. Focus on policy that increased wages broadly and decreased wealth stratification.

Unfortunately they chose the shiny object.

Do i even need to bother to check if /r/conservative has completely ignored this outcome?

My god those face eating leopards are cunning beasts.

none of his followers voted for him expecting that, they voted because hes an asshole like they are and the idea of a black woman in the oval office was too much for them. Americans would rather burn themselves down than stop being assholes

The guy was documented as lying over 30,000 times during his first term and anybody is taking his word for anything?? I’d have doubts if he told me water was wet.

Trump lied unabashedly on the campaign trial. He’s a scumbag and not a straight talker.

However, he is actually 100% correct here. Inflation crosses over into increased labor, production and shipping costs. Once you start building in these costs it’s not you can really go back to what it was, although that does kind of depend on what it is and the level of processing required.

America has not had a deflationary year since 1954.

You could just….. Post the entire quote.

Money money money moneyyyyy

Hahaha, fucking rubes voted for us all to eat the turd sandwich.

Those people *never* gave a fuck about prices. They were in it for hating the browns and the gays part.

Yeah we know. We told you so. Oh…you say you decided to still vote for the Orange Imbecile because we “talked down” to you?

Just wait…


A misogynistic, racist, incestuous, lying douchebag lied? Wow, that’s crazy.

Of course it was a lie. Even if literally every one of his policies wasn’t designed to create inflation, prices never go “back down” again. The speed at which they rise merely slows.

This dude shows his own stupidity by acting surprised.

meanwhile the Biden-Harris administration filed lawsuits against algorithmic price fixing in the meat industry.

Biden really didn’t publicize his efforts enough.

A pathological narcissist and criminal is not capable of integrity and empathy. But some of us already knew that.

I knew it …half the country knew it…but MAGA !!!


To scam suckers and “losers,” duh.

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