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Don’t worry, if we manage to survive 2038, a bigint unixtime should last us until long after the end of the universe.

Fuggin Y10k

Not anyone’s problem cause if you survive 32 bit signed epoch and the 2038

> …using a signed 64-bit value introduces a new wraparound date that is over twenty times greater than the estimated age of the universe

And they’re still using Java 8

While one giga-principle engineer keeps complaining in meetings that management should have authorized this change 5 centuries earlier.

That’s the problem of our future AI overlords

It’s going to be a real pain to bring all of the COBOL programmers out of cryostasis so they can update the government mainframes

Bold of you to assume humanity will survive that long.

Don’t worry. Everything we learned from y2k will be used to deal with y2k38 for when 32 bit unix runs out. I’m sure it’ll go without an issue in 13 years as it will in 7974 years.

I’m sure it’ll go just aswell as trying to use pre 1900s dates on excel. Just needs a small workaround! It’ll be fine! (Btw. That sucks so bad that I chose not to bother and dates on the long ass lists are just text, because that is easier to work with than hoping excel doesn’t explode constantly because dates go from 1890 to 1910.)

It’ll all be fine! Big companies are efficient and modern software is well ma… well mad… ehh… weeeelll maaaayyiiudddd…. sorry I just can’t say that.


how did the programmers in 999 handle this issue?

Just switch years to the hexadecimal system…

Memory is cheap and big numbers are cool. It’s 12024 HE if you support the holocene calendar

Reset the year to 0000 and start , maybe like AD/BC/CE introduce some new abbreviation to indicate its 10000 yrs after Christ

That’s what caused the Butlerian Jihad.

add new unit. i propose millenia. 0-9999-12-31

I do like that the Long Now foundation uses a 5-digit year already.

There will still be that one server that runs windows 2012

We’ll start fixing it in the 6000s.

A list of all similar problems:


SQLite and Fossil SCM say they are ready.

just implement extended year support as defined in ISO8601, and you’re done.



And I bet they haven’t even thought about year 100001. lazy bastards…

Lol.. bro next going to multiverse. 🙂

Some javascript enthusiast ( passionate robust web developer with MERN stack on LinkedIn ) making a dateTo10000.js module

Omg true, I just realized I’m doing LEFT(date,10) to extract « 2024-12-01 » but this won’t work forever

Dammit guys. We had SETI broadcast a memo on this in early 2000. You had 8000 years to act on this.


Don’t worry. Tech-Priests figured it out 30000 years earlier in the Warhammer 40k universe. They just pray to the machine spirits that things will just work. Which isn’t too far from what we do when we can’t figure out why it’s broken.

Will it(y10k) happen? As now we use python in it the date is just an auto scaling int(float).

Agree with title. Fuck you people of 2038

it’ll be handlers by AI

In 50 years the chance of our survival as a species is low. The chance of us surviving another 8000 years is almost zero

I honestly doubt that there will be anyone left in 9999 anyway.

Wouldn’t it be 8191 or smth?

… which leads *directly* to the Butlerian Jihad.

I’m calling it right now: just make this universe into a VM and move on to the new one. A valid use case for the multiverse

And – oh yeah, we need this done before tomorrow

Just wanted to point out that 7975 years is only enough to reach a small portion of our galaxy, even traveling near the speed of light.

they’ll just switch to hexadecimal

Our whole DateTime infrastructure relies on the notion that we will eradicate ourselves by then.

By then we’ll be using stardates.

if devs reached that level of engineering, they should create a ticket in jira and assign it to someone in the Gods department

At least after we go to 64 bit time_t, we’ll have roughly 292 billion years from the epoch before it rolls over again.

You forget about time dilation fucking with the DateTime even worse than time zones.

If recognizably human beings are even still around in 9999, they’re going to think of “programming” in this era much like we would think of washing clothes by hand.

To be fair in around 9000 people will probably be aware of it or even 5000, I think date change to five digit might be changed slowly overtime as time get close

Perfect time to switch to the HE calendar

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