Welp… Guess I gotta drop 10k to some lucky Tenno

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*Sees 100+ already replied* *realized wish list is fucking empty anyways* Hope y’all get something y’all want 😂

I’m starting to regret my decision lol. My hand is tired from all this writing to remember the names and stuff. But remember to put what you want or I’m just gonna gift something that I thinks is best. Love you all

Edit: My hand is cramping bad. Good lord but I got about 84 names down. And 400+ comments and still counting…

i won’t say my name because i’ll just let other tenno be happy with the situation

but, i wanted to confirm, did you loose a bet or something?


 And welp- sorry for your plat 🐧 anything on my wishlist will be fine 😀

Mr.Pebble#905 / Gemini skin bundle ? :3

Caius441 /Warframe Slots (I AM BEGGING YOU I NEED THEM)

wolfsilver00 / Pls surprise me, I never spent plat on anything that wasnt a frame or weapon so whatever is nice xD


My name translates to “an user with a descent name”. Yes, descent. Why? Because that’s what my sanity does while grinding on this game.

I don’t expect anything, but i’m open for surprises, might receive a “decent” gift.
comment image?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56be3c888e609cadbbdf14885d695afaedd34e94

1.5k comments is insane. Rip your hand lol

1two3, hopefully I’m not too late…..


Sorry dude xD my tag is Eyegold4210 if you’re still okay for things and honestly dude anything off my wishlist… I’ll never turn down forma though

Lmao rip

Magicalpasta364 anything is good, sad it wasn’t Tuesday 🙁

Shit I could join if you get too many to reasonably give, I’m an MR30 with 25k plat on hand, let me know if it gets that bad. Giving gifts to other players, especially new players l, is what keeps this community alive and well.

30 day drop chance booster?

Palalalu | Some warframe slots would be great!


I badly need bunch of formas, didn’t realize soloing dojo construction, research, and crafting was hard…



Honestly whatever lol im not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth lmao

InsurrectionDawn#355 | whatever random plat you have to spare, I’m gonna put it towards my drifter skins hehe

literally anything, actually just troll me plz

Redeemer121 I’d say the nyx saikou skin would be great, otherwise anything off my wishlist or just some forma/potatoes

Icarus_Rebornn | i’d like the gemini skin bundle :3

FeitosaTheLik0 || i’d love the tome mods 🫡🫡

Drampersad I need nothing but forma.

samibrys u can choose

gbmdark / The Operator Harrier Collection (I need that fashion)

mr94, 3-forma bundle

username: Umsii

sorry about your platinum ;^; maybe something from wishlist

ifeanyi – PC


Robro54 Gemini skin bundle please o7


Some weapon slots plz 🙂

DinoRazor431 just need a few Warframe slots



Thanks, OP!

Nomadd762, gemeni skin bundle would be dope, happy for anything thanks!

‚PaperHal02‘ Warframe slots are always welcome <3

NeidhardtDB | anything is fine + some forma


Forma bundle

You gonna have to take a loan from Nef to get back on your feet after this

Yuiska#630 good luck next time

oof on yourp lat



Caliban Deluxe skin


Some resource drop chance and boosters please!

I’ll take any boosters/play combination you can provide.


ShadowWraith4, PC, Such horrible news… Gemini

BruiseMyBanana: surprise me

IdkSomtinGud#067, and whatever you’d prefer. Or anything on the wishlist, merry tennobaum

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