They are hellbent on taking us back to the stone age

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America, did you try to unplug your country and to plug it again ?

So.. we aren’t having enough kids, so we’re going to put into effect anti abortion laws so strict that women can’t get prenatal care, deport millions, and kill what’s left with diseases we’ve had under control for a century.

edit: oh, and kill the labor board so people can’t afford to feed and clothe any kids.

Is Musk about to release a new range of iron lungs or something? BreatheX?

Anyone who thought USA will be better with Trump needs to seek professional help.

Can’t wait for other nations to block the US from travling to them as they have banned all vaccinations

Why does this surprise anyone? RFK has been perpetuating anti-vax stuff for yearsโ€ฆ

If our system really is incapable of defending itself from clear and present dangers like this, we are already done.

Are we at all sure the worm didnโ€™t win? Maybe itโ€™s just sitting in there using RFK like a puppetโ€ฆ making it safer for viruses everywhereโ€ฆ

If they do that then the rest of the world needs to seriously consider if they should be letting Americans into their country in the future.

My grandpas 80 years old. He tells me stories of how many people died when he was a kid because of polio, RFK jr is only 10 years younger than my grandfather, how tf does he not remember people dying from that disease?

I have seen beggers in the street with some weird deformities in south America. I had the opportunity to ask one what happened? He said i had polio when I was a kid. Hmmmm… sad really sad. This person was about 40 years old.ย 

It’s going to take us so long to recover from this disaster of an administration, if we can recover at all. I can’t help but feel that we’re watching the end of the US as a superpower.

If that happens, the international community should impose a ban on US government official entering ANY country in the world. Do that for 6 months and if it doesn’t work, extend it to US citizens, unless it’s medical professionals. They want walls ? They want “tariffs” ? They want to deport illegal immigrants ? Let’s give them a spoonful of their own medicine. No US passport accepted anywhere in the civilized world, until you restore law, peace and order in the US by recalling all of these clowns. Seal them in their own country, since they think it’s the best and “they are free” … enjoy it.

So we have a juicing old man, addicted to steroids and who admitted to brain damage from parasites, making public health policy and decisions.

Gee, what could go wrong there?

My aunt, who is crippled for life and was one of the recipients of the vaccine after the onset of the disease, would like a word with RFKj

I don’t believe in violence. But straight-up, I’d punch RFK Jr. in the face for this shit. Right in his red leather face.

(And do not put me in a room with Andrew Wakefield. You put me in a room with him, I go to prison. End of story.)

His brainworm wants to dominate humanity…

These people are outright dangerous

The man is insane. The Trump voters’ level of stupid is staggering.

They want a double blind study for polio vaccines. So they want to give some children vaccines and some a placebo to see if it’s effective? So, thousands of children would be put at risk for lifelong disability or premature death to prove the polio vaccine works. The vaccine has virtually eliminated polio in the developed world. I have not grown up with a single friend affected by polio, and we’re questioning its efficacy? If they’re so dead set on the dangers of vaccine let them test on their own kids. If I take my kid for a polio or mmr vaccine and I find out they got a placebo because my kinds slowly suffocating from whooping cough they’ll be hell to pay.

I thought RFK was himself a lawyer who has petitioned the government to revoke the approval of the polio vaccine?

America is f**ked. This has been fascinating to watch from overseas.

RFK has the same magical survivorship bias that all anti-vaxxers seem to have.

Somehow, people only started having issues with vaccines *after* the traditional pandemics like smallpox, polio and TB all stopped. ๐Ÿ™„

Rome is going to fall but it wonโ€™t be Captain Trips that takes it out this time.

Time to isolate USA from the rest of the world, fuck this country it’s already lost at this point.

Although I assume this is what Putin wanted Trump to do all along.

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