Why are people mad about ciri being the protagonist? Are they stupid?

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Geralts story is basically over, I can see him being more of a Master Witcher role. It always made sense for Ciri to continue the games.
I personally hoped it would have been like Cyberpunk and I get to make my own Witcher, with a vague past.
But this is not surprising lol

Anyone who’s like “I wanted to create my own Witcher” I kinda get. I prefer Ciri, but it’s a personal preference, so it’s whatever. Although I will say the Witcher so far has been about a set character from the books, so I don’t know why people thought the next trilogy would be different.

Anyone who’s like “Ciri’s story is over” or “I hate women”? Yeah, they’re idiots.

Personal preference. I wished for a very new story, either after, or more preferably centuries before the 3 games. When the monsters were even more abundant, and the witchers were still making little mutants with full force.

I’m not mad Ciri is the protagonist. I just wish we got a Witcher game in a different setting with new characters lol

I don’t mind her being the protag but a part of me wanted something new, something not attacked to the story we have already been told

I’m happy either way but I little disappointed

There are unfortunately going to be a lot of people bashing the game for being “woke” but I do think it’s fair to wish they had gone a different direction.

Personally I would love a Ciri game/trilogy that explores her powers to the full, with time travel and world jumping and facing off against threats bigger than a regular Witcher would be capable of, but for a mainline Witcher game I wish they either created a new character and let the old ones be retired, or if they really wanted to use established characters then a sequal trilogy about Eskel or a prequal trilogy about a young Vesemir sounds far more intriguing to me.

If I remember correctly, Eskel has a child of surprise himself and their relationship seems like the inverse of Geralt and Ciri’s relationship. It would be cool to see a father/daughter dynamic but they don’t really like each other as a contrast to what we’ve seen before.

And as Vesemir we could explore the world prior, during and after the fall of the Witcher schools.

I’ll still keep an eye on the game, and I’ll probably buy it and enjoy it (because I don’t mind a Ciri game) but I really do wish CDPR had gone with something else.

I’m not mad abt it but I would have preferred a brand new character, Ciri is too special to play. she is basically the main character of the world and I would much rather play a nobody

Because Ciri is more powerful than any Witcher. She was great as a plot device, but the fact that she could touch someone and teleport them out of existence, is some god tier OP. She also started screaming and defeated an army…all by herself.

The game will have to come up with some contrived bullshit like loosing all her powers or renouncing them to justify her downgrading herself to a lowly Witcher.

An original character would have been far better.

It’s the superman problem.

I like the fact that Ciri is protagonist. At the same time, it’s okay not to like it. It’s different if you’re being an idiot about it, though.

I feel that Ciri’s story ended with Geralt’s? Hell, she was the most overpowered person in the world, the only one who could save the world from the impending doom. I just wonder how they are going to make you start from zero so to speak. What happened in order to “rebalance” ciri.

I wished for a vesemir prequel or something like that. I guess.

I’m not mad; I have positive skepticism… I’m actually hyped. But I do really wonder how they’ll write it

Only thing I’ll riot about is a change in VA. But knowing CDPR… they will probably try to keep the old VA

Honestly? I was hoping for just something completely new.

I was hoping they’d go backwards in the timeline to a time when Witchers were more common.

It’s funny that so far I saw way more people commenting that people are mad than actual mad people.

You forget that Ciri is an established and beloved character.

Yes her face is different but so was Geralt face in early cinematics. And this is very early.

I am genuinely angry because Ciri was never meant to be a witcher

read the books, the Kaer Morhen witcher taught her swordplay because they didn’t know what else to do with 12 year old girl other than to teach her to defend herself.

In the end of the books, she leaves the northern kingdoms and goes dimension-hoping until she settles in Camelot

Seeing her instead just become a female Geralt is fucking infuriating, she can be so much more

IMO, Ciri’s story is over just as much as Geralt’s was/is by the end of *The Witcher 3*.

I’m sure the writing will be great, and narratively, Ciri’s arc across this new trilogy will be worthwhile and satisfying, but, it’s a disappointing direction. There’s a reason the reaction has been split down the middle at the reveal last night.

That said, CDPR needs to sell a marketable product at the end of the day. And it’s probably a safer decision to go with an established character as opposed to a “new, unnamed” character in an already-established IP.

That-that said, this whole “Ciri has undergone the Trial of Grasses post *Witcher 3*” feels like CDPR is going to have to retcon their own writing and Sapkowski’s lore.

I wanted a custom Witcher where you could also pick your Witcher school and completing your training would be the intro/tutorial.

I just fear that they change too much the Witcher experience. In the books, it’s stablished that Ciri can’t drink witchers potions, because she’s human, and can’t control signs, because she’s a source. In this trailer we see her doing both things, with no explanation until now, and I expect a very good explanation.

And theres even more. Ciri being a Witcher, it rules out some of the Witcher 3 endings, doesn’t it? I doesn’t like the line of a “canon” Witcher 3 ending for Ciri.

And yes, I was expecting a new story. I really have no problem with a female protagonist

I haven’t seen many people saying it’s woke (I’m sure there’s some out there however). The main argument I’ve seen is that people wanted a whole new character and I was too. I’d like to see a post white frost normal person being trained as a whole new group of witchers. We’ve seen this world from a “super soldiers” perspective I think seeing it from a normal dudes would be really cool.

Given that the game is using ciri as a protagonist I doubt I will see this but I would like to see her start to train new witchers in the lynx school or whatever at the end of this game so we can play as a different character next game with ciri as a supporting character almost like vesimir was in witcher 3. This is just my ideal situation however and what I think would be the most engaging setting for the games.

Additionally I never fully liked the witcher ending for ciri because I kinda wanted a better life for her. If there was an option where she retires to a corvo bianco esque cottage with a family then that would be my choice.

Finally the loudish minority that are actually mad about it can just not buy the game and let that reflect in the games sales data. For me this isn’t a deal breaker, it’s not exactly the story I had in mind but I’m sure it’ll be good.

Because we want to create or start a completely new story. Ciris story at least somewhat rides on Geralts story and they’re going to have to come with a good explanation why she has mutations and why the monsters are coming back also how can they top the white frost, wild hunt, gaunter, detlaff, etc… while nerfing Ciri? Really can’t understand it.

Ciri is basically the comaincharacter in the books, it makes sense that she is the new protagonist

I don’t have an issue with a new protagonist or anything like that, I just didn’t want it to be Ciri. I’d have preferred they gave us a brand new protagonist that we’d never met before.

Ive already played as Ciri and she was OP as fuck. I know that they will nerf her in some way but then I will know im playing Ciri from Temu. If that makes me stupid then i guess im stupid, idgaf

They have a different opinion, they’re not stupid

I wont defend or ridicule a game I haven’t played yet let alone only released a cinematic trailer. But her taking witcher potions and using witcher signs is strange. And it forces a cannon ending for witcher 3. I get the underwhelmed reactions for some, but the woke talking points because the protagonist is Ciri is not fair.

I don’t know just seems like the safe bet with an established character in an established timeline. Not as exiting as building new characters and lore (imo), which is also very risky, considering netflix has tried it and failed so bad with that witcher prequel show

Because it feels cheap.

Because they can only go the most cliché route of “oh, no. I’ve lost my powers (again)! I have to regain them/denounce them, so the gameplay is not boring when Im OP for the entire game!”

Because it slides into “whole galaxy for the grabs, yet we still circle around Skywalkers”

Because they canonized one of the endings and #ThisIsNotMyCiri !

Honestly, im bummed. I could see Ciri work better, with her full powers, in a more linear story driven cinematic game, but open world.. they made her witcher now.. cut most of her powers.. eh.

Unless they go with tying all of the endings into one, somehow (e.g. she was empress and went onto the path), we cant fast travel but we use portals she can cinjure up. We can jump between worlds, time, and realm, however we want. But obviously that wont happen.

Only hope is that at least with Geralt we will have some chill quest with him going to a market welling some wine and that’s it.

I believe the issue lies in how people “sync” with a character. As a man, it’s easier for me to associate myself with a male protagonist. It’s like living a little virtual life without changing the default settings. Maybe Geralt turned out to be such a hit character that many people either want to see him or no one else. Perhaps it triggered some emotional damage, idk.

For me, it’s not about anti-woke culture but people’s childish petulance. I would criticize the CD Projekt team only if they created a random Karl or Fiona with no background, just for the sake of diversity. Ciri is part of the storyline, a pillar of the whole narrative, and if they portray her as a badass character, I’m all for it.

my biggest fear is combat , ciri is OP

I’ve been quite vocal on my opinion about it — “Skeptical”.

I probably should’ve been a bit clearer actually; It isn’t that it’s Ciri, unlike the presumable-flood of Anti-woke Grifters, it’s just that it’s not as easy as something totally fresh.

It could’ve been… Eskel, Triss; Vesimir or even fucking Dandelion. Doesn’t make a difference who it is, it’s the fact that they’re still doing this story. It could be wonky.

Geralt was an OP Witcher. Ciri was even more OP… except for the lack of mutations; there’s no Wild Hunt anymore, so who are the bad guys gonna be? There has to be a “bigger and badder” bad guy; what are they doing about retconning TW3 stuff? Radovid/Nilfgaard?

It’s easier for them to fuck this up, whereas “Witchering: Far Far Away / Long Long Ago” is practically free.

I’d imagine that there’s going to be the usual onslaught of ooga booga “Ew a woman” stuff; but I’m just scared it’ll be messy. I’m actually very interested in the fact that Ciri –a woman– has undergone the mutations. How could that affect the future of Witchering in yet-another Trilogy? A new golden age of Witchers… equality style? 1567 Rebuilt Kaer Morhen, with Geralt and Ciri as these near-mythical founders?

People were burned by “Modern female characters” too many times. I am not saying that this will be the case, but it has red flags which are associated with characters for “modern audience”.

My big problem is that Ciri, so far, looks like female Geralt/Witcher and not like interesting original character. She was trained by witchers but had her own style of fighting and powers.

From trailer she feels too generic. Her armor, her eyes her looks, it’s just unoriginal.

Because i dont really like her as a charecter, she was more of a harmony for geralts story imo. Also the world would be so boring agrer tw3, almost all the monsters and witchers have died out, and the major conflicts of the entire franchise have already resolved, i really just dont see what they have to work with here and i cant help but feel they will fuck something up real bad

Geralt will probably take role of Vesemir

Mad? Not really. I would’ve rather gone the custom route that’s all.

I’m not mad, I’m disappointed. I love the books and the games. My gripe is that just like Geralt, Ciri’s story felt finished with the end of Witcher 3. I wanted a game about young Vesemir or the golden age of monsters. Something different. I don’t want another trilogy with the same people.

because is kinda lore broken, she is probably the most powerful thing in the universe, the ancestral blood, the time and space lady, now with the Trial of the Grasses, in lore terms she is to powerfull is nice of course, but they could make a witcher game with vasemir lore, like RDR2, or something different, and I love Ciri to be honest, I liked playing with her in Witcher 3, but they could make a history game if they don’t make right choices, I hope for the best in Story terms, I played Witcher 3 5470 hours, I love the game Hehe, but people are kinda mad because sometimes in lore terms don’t make much sense, as example Geralt did not want she taking the Trial of Grasses, so now she is old and did have ? like people don’t like some lore changing things, I understand them, let’s hope the game is awesome in all ways like the 3, and Story awesome.

its not “woke” its just a woman main character. but I have other reasons to be mad:

1- I don’t like Ciri’s character. Geralt is just a super mutated nobody who’s made his life himself. Ciri is born with cheat codes.

2- Ciri’s has different fates based on game endings. why is the empress of Nilfgaard now killing monsters in some random village

Mad? Disappointed. We got served the same ‘killing monsters’ trailer and a character whose arc doesn’t fit. I think it would be the same with a new Geralt game. His story is over. Her story is over.

Unlike the original trilogy, this decision seems to be just a low hanging fruit cash grab done more by the marketing dpt than anyone else.

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