This guy at my gym 😭

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comment image?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a56da01e4b30198a2b492977c8ace052e663c425

people WILL see this from afar and go ”oh! this guy is trans!” bc they cant read the text btw

having multiple trans flags on their bag is hilarious bc i would instantly assume they’re trans – probably wouldn’t bother to read the words in passing. 😂

at first i thought “aw thats nice”

then i saw the text

dude has bigger trans flag stuff on his bag than actuall trans people the biggest thing i have seen a fellow trans person do is like 3 pins 2 whit theor sexualitys and gencders flag and one whit their pronouns

If they hate us so much then why care enough to put up flags on their bag

there is NO way 😭 i ain’t trans but i support y’all, like goddamn

comment image?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec40863cb9318c2049584f5bdaacf01732bd818f

let trans people just live their lives

Honestly the thing I’m most surprised about is how they have a Pro life badge that was genuinely surprising

Dumbasses in this fucking thread: I’ll use my freedom of speech to take away the freedom of vulnerable people! Look I’m a herooo!!!!

It’s a cult built around hating things they secretly like/are, so this is far from surprising.

he has more trans flags on his backpack than most trans people

Why so much hate?

Just Let people live

you got a pack of matches?

Trans flag with “Mental Illness” in what looks like Times New Roman…

I don’t know why, but that feels like a “image goes hard” shitpost.

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“Mental illness”

imagine being this obsessed with trans people 😭 this guy is a whole nother level of hate

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Bro even trans people don’t obsess over their gender THIS MUCH!! 😭

Bro dedicated his whole personality to this

my reaction to that information:
comment image?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=672b8e3bc368ceca5e4be56b71a37b5b836c0d0e

You should throw it in the garbage

I always like the “Trans Women are men” because that both hurts Trans Men to Women which is bad, but supports Trans women to men, which is good

I think it’s hilarious 😂

Most people just see the flag and don’t / can’t read the text. So basically they’re telling everyone they are trans or support trans rights lol

Leave his bag alone. If you dont like the bag’s owner you should talk to the dude. (Or fight him). Dont hate on the bag.

People like this need to be culled, ur hating a person for them expressing their real self, how are u gknna hate on someone for being who they are ?

“your opinion doesntmatter” beginner pack

Nut case for sure

He’s misinformed and closed minded, you should feel sorry for him. And to all the people that say “He’s just sharing his own opinion! Is that not allowed?!?!????”, I don’t know what to say bro. I don’t scream my views off the top of a cliff, nor do I wear a badge talking about my own opinions. And don’t complain about trans flags. If you see a trans person with a trans flag you scream and cry about them pushing their opinion onto you, and if you see a trans person without a flag you scream and cry because they’re “trying to trick you” into believing they’re “normal”. Quit whining snowflakes.

What side he on tho.

Using the normally cancer ribbon as a “pro life” ribbon is just fucked up, there’s no other word for that.

put “i have a” on top of the mental illness sticker and cover up the stripes at the bottom so that it’s just a white sign saying i have a mental illness

Jesus thats like the worst kind of people to be around

Tape a “wo” before men

And if you see them from a distance, you’d thing he’s either trans or a supporter. Didn’t think that through 😭

come to the gym tomorrow with twice as many buttons supporting trans folks.


I’m not even lgbt at all and I’m offended. I can smell him through my screen. 

Bro weird and part of a cult too

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