Here’s to free speech!

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Looks like he hired the right lawyer.

That’s a perfect response for Joe Public to hear… We need more of this.

Billionaires can also fund the legal costs to destroy organizations that report things that upset them.


They are few. We are many. Free Luigi.

I’m really glad this guy didn’t shoot himself after the assassination. Similarly, I’m really hoping this event brings on change. There’s so much solidarity over this and it’s a message that needs to be heard.

I swear an 8yr old can ask better questions.

Anything you do, don’t go around complaining when someone else uses it against you.

And some of those candidates are convicted felons

Trial of the century coming up.

cnn always bringing the dumbest take possible

I’m glad his lawyer is talking about politicians, no one else is, it’s not just the CEOs we need to blame, FOCUS ON THE POLITICIANS ALSO PLEASE!

Ted Cruz doesn’t understand why people are for Luigi? Maybe he should take a vacation to Mexico to think about it

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He should watch out cause that’s some first degree murder

If corporations are people then why can’t we send them to prison for murder

CNN shamelessly acting like they are surprised and not trying to push a narrative. Billionaires own the media.

CNN is full of idiots.

This is Delicious.

Anyone know if there’s a gofundme for the woman in Florida who got arrested for saying deny, delay, depose?

The more I hear out of him the more I like Tom Dickey.

Maybe if our lawmakers and these healthcare execs had made more of an effort to fix the system instead of continuing to enrich themselves and their buddies there wouldn’t be so many people willing to donate to the defense of someone on trial for murdering one of them.

He’s just did what we all wish we could do in the back of our heads.


I’ll believe corporations are people when they can be shot dead by Player 2.

I hope the jury let’s him off and makes the r!ch realize the people are not happy with the current health system

Damn, this man is a treasure!

Convicted felons can run for president.

Time for a superpac?

Mangione 2028!

Giuseppe Probonno is the lawyer for you call two two two twenty two twenty two

Is there a way we can donate? I’d *so* donate after Christmas.

Damn, that’s pretty good. 💀



The amount of people who believe this kid did it is too damn high. He’s a patsy and the real murderer is still out there.

Oh damm!!!

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