My wife grew a bunch of regular garlic and one Super-Mutant Garlic.

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When the recipe calls for one clove of garlic

I would plant it and try to grow more.

They call it solo garlic. Lots of things can cause it, mostly how long it’s in the ground.
Too wet, dry, or hot can also do it.


The garlic she tells you not to worry about

The regular garlics are like baby pigeons (which are the pigeons you normally see), and the big garlic is like the mammoth mother pigeon that’s hidden away somewhere.

Thats just one Garl.

Do you mean, Megarlic

Does it taste different? I can’t see any downsides to mega garlic as of yet. Much less peeling!

We get elephant garlic from local Mennonites and one clove is bigger than a typical bulb! I really appreciate and enjoy cooking such massive garlic!

Probably a stupid question but can one eat the green part?

That would save me so much time

Super Mutant garlic: what you get when you fertilize with the FEV


I checked the wiki because I didn’t think this could happen with garlic. Maybe it’s a new secret in Concerned Ape’s latest update.

naturE has so much evil..

According to a “trusted source” (friend grew garlic) this happens if the garlic doesn’t get cold enough to trigger the “bulb” to produce multiple cloves.

Its a garlion


One clove to rule them all.


I’ve grown garlic the size of a medium onion. Apparently it happens if it doesn’t get cold enough during the winter. Either planted too deep, too much mulch, warm winter, or planted in spring.

The large single clove (called pearl garlic) wasn’t vernalized. Clove subdivision only happens after the proper amount of cold exposure.

Replant it and get ready for a monster


Looks like something from The Andromeda Strain

That’s some Iridium Quality Garlic

That one is for the Vampire Boss

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