This Tesla has been blocking my wife’s car for days. Left them a polite note hoping they understand basic parking etiquette

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You actually waited 3 days to act?!

I think a tow truck is reasonable at this point

3 days? I would have called the tow truck instantlyย 

Are YOU the mildly infuriating part of this post??

Tow that shit

Have it towed.

Days? Why would you not act immediately?

15 minutes on the first day is the LONGEST I would have let that go. Probably would have started โ€œmessingโ€ with it after 5 minutes in the hopes the cameras would alert them and theyโ€™d come running.

Call the tow

Friendly note? LOL get it towed, thats your friendly note.

Bestie youโ€™re not being a good neighbor youโ€™re being a doormat. Your wifeโ€™s car is blocked and you leave a โ€˜politeโ€™ note? Stand up for your wife and tow that car.

Jesus Christ. Just get it fucking towed. 3 days and you just put a note on the car?

Yโ€™all are either the worlds biggest people pleasers or just huge pushovers, no adult has time for this. I wouldโ€™ve written a note right away and called a tow truck if they kept going it

15 minutes of waiting is reasonable. Maybe somebody had a critical emergency.

After that itโ€™s tow time.

Be a man for your wife and get it towed . Jesus

Forget note see if they understand basic towing law

Three days you let this go and now the Tesla owner knows you aren’t going to do anything and as long as he goes to that building, will look for that car. You permitted the Tesla owner to bully you by not nipping that behavior in the bud an hour or two after it started.

This would be a great use of car wheel dolly jacks. Just push the jerks car to a random location in the area..

Iโ€™d call police and tow truck right then.

This photo by any chance is taken in the city of Valencia? people have the habit of leaving their cars double parked without the handbrake on so you can push their car and take yours out, it sounds strange but it’s like that.

30 minutes and I would have called a tow company, itโ€™s been days!?!?

Days? I would be calling a tow truck the minute I saw that.

In Korea, double parking is really normal. To make it work, everybody has their cellphone number on a little plaque or sticker inside the windsheild so you can call them to let you out. Edit: forgot to say, fck this asshole and call the cops

Uhhh you call the towing company after 20 minutes

I would have it towed 10 seconds after I see it

You waited 3 days to leave a polite note? You’re a doormat.

Would have been towed after an hour. OP seeking attention

A note? Have it towed you giant pussy

Whatโ€™s more infuriating is how long you waited to do anything

In Portugal? Good luck with that.

EDIT: It’s Spain, I think the comment still stands ๐Ÿ˜›

This is why everyone should know how to โ€œhopโ€ a car with just a group of people and no tools.

The Tesla owner doesn’t seem to care about you or your note.

Set of wheel dollies, wheel that shit outta there and wedge it somewhere extremely awkward without touching anything. Let them suffer removing it later

Youโ€™re way too nice. That car would have gotten towed immediately if it was me.

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