Magnus Carlsen paid 127.45% of his income as tax in 2022, due to Norwegian “wealth tax”.

By Beatsu
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The data is from Norways tax records where you can search up any private or public person, and get their wealth, income and taxes, as reported to the tax authorities.

Edit: I thought the numbers were for 2022, but it was actually for 2023.

Edit 2: Here’s the link:

How does that work? Pay more taxes than you earn?

Didn’t Norway actually lose tax dollars from this tax because a lot of wealthy people left in order to not pay for it?

Idk about Norway, but in the US it is relatively easy to lower your taxable income especially if your money comes from real estate investing. People don’t sell their appreciating assets because that would count as income. Instead take out loans against those assets and use that money to support their lifestyle. New loans pay off the old loans, rinse and repeat. A wealth tax is the only way to get those people to pay their fair share. 

That’s why they can have nice things.

Is there a reason you picked 2022 and not 2023? I know why.

Assuming he has most of his wealth in productive assets, he’ll be reaping several percent of interest per annum, which means several more million crowns probably. So he’s just getting richer more slowly.

Seems like a great deal

When people say billionaires shouldn’t exist, this is what they mean. Why shouldn’t you be taxed this much when you have more money than 99.99% of the world population.

Yes, please, keep defending the rich……………..

Finally a country doing it right!

He can afford it

One of the best chess players in history still makes way less than onlyfans models

We have failed as a society

Stuff like this is why people move money out of the country.

How does he feel about it?


good. why is wealth tax in scare quotes, have you never seen a remotely functioning economic system before

Still not enough

I don”t think he will have to worry about getting capped on the sidewalk…. Some systems aree just better than others.


Commas would really fucking help


Poor guy is probably just surviving on his 100 million fortune. 😭

Will someone please think of the millionaires!?!

Just imagine how his quality of life likely plummeted when he had to pay 1% of his absurd net worth in taxes! He probably can’t afford one banana now. Eggs? Forget about eggs. You need to have 110 million to buy one egg.


I don’t feel bad for rich people having to pay taxes. End of story.

*cough* Income is after income-tax.

Can we PLEASE have this in the US?

Love to see a functional progressive tax system that creates strong social programs for all its citizens.

The crazy thing is not the tax, but that a 34 year old has wealth of more than 100m NOK from playing chess

Everyone in the world would prefer this over living just 1 day in America so yeah, it’s not bad at all actually. 200% would be justifiable too

I applaud him and his contributions to his nation. Thank you Magnus

And was totally fine.


Good stuff. Now in NA

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