John D. Rockefeller who said “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers”

By kebomim
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Bugger got his wish.

Take away their education and off you go

John D Rockefeller was a tycoon with 1.4 billion dollars of his olden day money that today translates to a $400+ billion net worth.

EDIT:. While this is up: please listen to linguistics MIT professor Noam Chomskyโ€™s [Requiem for The American Dream]( where he details how the โ€œmasters of societyโ€ use deliberate and meticulous abuse through the system to control the masses and amass wealth to the 1% of the 1%

Different sources state contradicting numbers: from JDRโ€™s wealth today being compared anywhere from $24B-$400B. Bottom line, he was a billionaire elite who was directly involved in politics during his time: influencing the landscape of the government that would affect American people years down the line, particularly through the Standard Oil Company.

– Rockefellerโ€™s aggressive business practices led to the establishment of a near-complete monopoly in the oil industry. Standard Oil controlled up to 90% of the U.S. oil market at its peak

– Standard Oil used tactics such as predatory pricing, intimidation, and rebates with railroads to destroy competitors. These practices led to public backlash and the eventual passage of antitrust laws, including the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which aimed to curb monopolistic behaviors.

– Standard Oilโ€™s wealth allowed it to wield enormous influence over politics, leading to accusations of political corruption.

Even better was his friend Arthur Vanderbilt, who reportedly said, โ€œI can always pay one half of the poor to kill the other halfโ€

I want a nation that disappears billionaires

Now he’d say “I want a nation of consumers.”

Two common sayings in the unit I’m serving with.

1.The best weapon is the 6 inches between your ears.

2.We don’t want drones, we want thinking troops. If we wanted drones we would of fucking made some!

Funny how the traditional, work work mindset goes out the windows when life is being gambled.

idk, sounds kinda commie to meโ€ฆ

oh whatโ€™s that? He wanted the nation of workers to be slaves rather than the holders of power? Oh right.

Elon has been quoted saying nearly the same thingโ€ฆalthough the muskrat said it this wayโ€ฆin a far more creepy way.

โ€”โ€”โ€œIF PEOPLE DONโ€™T have more children, civilization is going to crumble,โ€โ€ฆ.โ€The fundamental constraint is labor,โ€ Musk said. โ€œThere are not enough people. I canโ€™t emphasize this enough: There are not enough people. One of the biggest risks to civilization is the low birth rate.โ€โ€”โ€”

And Elon is notoriously anti union.

If Luigi ever becomes a time traveler this mofo better watch out.

And right to work state working class morons love him for it

JD Rockefeller Jr. used machine guns against tent colony of striking coal miners, killing approximately 21 people, including women and children.

People need to remember our labor history in this country.

How you liking it down there, Johnny Dee? Couldnโ€™t take it with you, huh?

Where is he buried btw? So that I may pay my respects and “not” piss on his grave.

โ€œI donโ€™t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.โ€

This quote is attributed by Jim Marrs in the William Lewis film One Nation Under Siege (2008); no published occurrence of this has been located. This quote is likely fake, as John D. Rockefeller founded at least 3 institutions of higher education, including Rockefeller University, the womenโ€™s HBCU Spelman College, and (perhaps most notably) The University of Chicago, a school with no preprofessional majors thatโ€™s famously dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge regardless of industry applications.

He wanted more cogs in the machine, mass consumerism is the detriment of America.

The original piece of shit CEO.

Well, he got what he wanted.

I like the old saying: if you are not working on your own plan for yourself, you are part of the plan of another person.

Hope he’s enjoying life in hell.

I’ve never seen anyone make fun of someone for working menial tasks, but all throughout school I saw lots of kids make fun of each other for studying or learning or being smart.

That culture runs *deep.*

There is no evidence he ever said this:

And this is a big part of how we got where we are today with a nation of half full (or half empty!) of completely ignorant nincompoops incapable of critical thinking and completely uninterested in intellectual or educational development. That has been an issue at different points in our history, but there was a time when our country valued education and wanted its citizens to excel in sciences, mathematics, and the humanities. There has been a deliberate devaluing and defunding of education for the masses by many in the oligarchic ruling class at times however, and the likes of the Reagan Administration, Nelson Rockefeller, and other barons of the Gilded Age are prime examples of the worst offenders.

Still died. Guess his money couldnโ€™t save him.

Dude wanted more peons to feed his riches

Well he sure as hell got his wish.

Meanwhile Carnegie ran around building libraries. Thousands of libraries, all over the world. Some of them are still functioning as libraries.

you do one thing right.. rest fall in line

itโ€™s always been class war. culture war is a diversion.

I started watching Handmaid’s Tail on Prime, America has an interesting future with Trump. You voted for crazy you get crazy shit.

A nation of idiots benefits the rich. That’s why they’ve been attacking public education for decades now.

This is Muskrat. This is Trump. Write your local representative and urge a recount.

He witness a revolution during his lifetime

Makes sense actually

That was one hellova schittty dude. Not many folks enjoyed his presence either.

Just quoted this yesterday.

The means of production are looking very seizable right about now

Of course. Thatโ€™s how they make their money.

You work to make them money.

In some ways Leon musk is the new Rockefeller, another snake oil salesman, and consummate con artist. The digital age has become the new gilded age.

*History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes ~ Mark Twain*

Rest in piss


American anti-intellectualism is old

Call my gun John D the way it fuckin Rock-a-fella

You mean rich people just want illiterate meat sacks for their factories?

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