NJ drones wouldn’t last 5 minutes in Australia

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“Australian uncontacted tribe”

is this an ad for great northern beer?

Dang, Caseoh got an arm, eh?

Great form on that lady. You can tell she’s about to rip one


It might not be legal for me to shoot them down, but if they’re so low I can hit them with a beer bottle or my kids nerf darts I say it’s fair game.

You’re telling me this picture wasn’t taken in new jersey?

Bullshit, if this was Australia, the picture should be updside down.

*”Oh look at the size of that Australian!”*

All the drone sightings in New Jersey occurred in the FAA approved testing zone for military drone research. Just based on patent filings and news releases some of those drones might have wingspans up to 10 m. I don’t think it would be worth messing with those kinds of drones.

I don’t see a boomerangs so therefore this is not Australia.

Considering how heavily armed many Americans are, I am shocked nobody has winged one yet

News reports say the drones are flying higher than planes, bullets and beer bottles aren’t going to reach them.

Put some Drone on the barbie

Holy crap it’s CaseOh!

They gonna eat the drones?

Funnily enough, if the drones thing had happened in Australia instead of America and had the reaction of Australians would’ve been the same as Americans,

there would be a meme saying “drones wouldn’t last 5 minutes in America”

“Quick, piff ya thong at the cunt!”

And people criticize Americans for being fat fucks.

Gday mate.

I mean you act like the people of New Jersey are much different

nice use of a tactical beer bottle.

Fat slobs and their flip flops. Jesus…

I was in Australia last year… Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle. From what I learned, these are prime examples of bogans in their natural habitat.

While y’all Aussies are looking up at drones, y’all gonna get bit by every poisonous thing in the world. Congrats.

Fun Fact: In America it is illegal to shoot drones. Figure that one out.

Go get that drone mate

Fuckin’ dickhead, but she’ll be right.

Gonna have some drone on the barbi


They can throw bottles to come back and catch them like boomerangs

danggg give them some beer

definitely bogan

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