Rule for Thee not for Mee

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Black candidates have to be flawless while White candidates get to be lawless.

Argue with ya mama

I’ve had to use this so much lately
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Black man can’t even wear a tan suit without it being a scandal.

It still boggles my mind. All of your life stats are mostly maxed out if you’re born to a rich family as a white male. It’s absolutely insane how much privilege that gives you.

A black candidate wouldn’t get anywhere near public office if they did even *one* of those things.

I don’t see how anyone can look at the rise of Trump and say with a straight face that white privilege isn’t real. Most interesting about it is how people will go out of their way to explain the shit he does. I knew we were lost when someone said “well, when he talks about grabbing women by the pussy, he’s talking about women who gave him consent.”

Like, what!?

At this point, I want to see any other person, regardless of color, get away with the same amount of bullshit that Donvict has.

No because I was just thinking about Trump and the absurdity of him beating two female candidates that were more qualified than him. Regardless of how you feel about Clinton or Harris, they were both more qualified to be president than him yet the criticisms they [rightfully] got were enough to not get them elected over a celebrity billionaire who bankrupted a casino???

But even outside of this issue, I feel like we don’t talk about how he also beat more qualified *Republican* candidates in the bid for president. I think that part is really what’s tripping me up now that I’m thinking about it. Three times the Republican base stood by this man like there weren’t more qualified Republican candidates. My flabber has truly been gasted. America is not a real place😭😭

Black man with 3 ex wives and children from 3 baby mamas would never have been a candidate back in 2016. No throw in a black man saying he’ll do whatever he wants and grab some 🐈

Guys, please, before jumping in with the “well, actually,” *please* learn something basic about **intersectionality**. This conversation and its analogues have come up multiple times on this sub, and it’s very frustrating, especially in a sub that is specifically titled BLACKPeopleTwitter. Not MarxistPeopleTwitter.

Yes, there are other ways in which people experience power and privilege. Yes, class is one of them. Yes, being rich and white insulates you in multiple ways that you wouldn’t experience if you were *poor* and white. Yes, being rich and *Black* also gives you privilege that you wouldn’t have if you were *poor* and Black. Yes, being *a man* gives you privilege you wouldn’t have as a woman. All of those things are true.

*HOWEVER*, repeated sociological, political, and economic peer-reviewed research, using a variety of methodological approaches – quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods – all demonstratively show that being *Black* has an independent causal impact on privilege and power as well. In order to be intellectually honest, you *have* to recognize that being Black matters, and statistical research shows that if everything else about Trump were the same except his race, he would be much more likely to have experienced literally a single consequence for all the heinous things he’s done since 1960.

Does that mean if Trump were Black he would have been given the Khalief Browder treatment? No. Does that mean there has never been a white person in history that has been mistreated by the penal system? No. But race is *absolutely* an independent contributing factor. And given that this is ***BLACK***PeopleTwitter, it is natural that ***race*** would be a primary focus of analysis.

TL;DR go yell at ya mama, fuck.

Show me a poor person that could get away with that as well.

Don’t forget forcing a FBI Director to leave his job

To be fair, I don’t think anyone other than trump could get away with that kind of shit

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If any POC had any one of them they would still be in prison

He may have 34 felony counts, but he wasn’t wearing a brown suit when he committed those crimes so who’s the real monster?

Herman Cain and Donald Trump are the same person in so many ways. Their major difference was sufficient to put one in the Whitehouse and the other in the ground. Imagine the quality of care Cain would have had if he was president, I bet they’d have swapped places completely

How many dead PoC had 740 million invested and 8 different policing agencies hunt down their killer?

I can tell you the amount CEO’s that had that.

Do people still not notice that this whole system is not for us but against us?

Its to keep us down, docile, and working.

Just look at the whole CEO murder thing. Its a farce.

Slaves by another name.

Welcome to America

I’d have to say the closest is Clarence Thomas

The way the law is biased and just has the cards stacked is something that honestly very hard for people to comprehend until they have been in that process. So many lives are just ruined.

Hmmm, something doesn’t seem qwhite right with that.


None of the felons I know have hosted any rallies, but that’s a pretty specific ask. Trump is like 1/4th of the people I remember hosting rallies.

The bar is being built and he is setting it high

They are trying to sell you the idea that it’s about race, but it’s really a class war.

Well everyone has got a type

Don’t forget once elected all charges dropped too. Different rules for the wealthy 

There’s an “Orange Is the New Black” joke in there somewhere.

Honestly, I don’t think you could find any other person of any color or nationality with 34 felonies who would be allowed to remain out of jail or prison while saying the kinds of things he’s said about the judges and prosecutors on his cases.

Oprah a snitch


Does Donnie pass the paper bag test with all that goofy orange makeup?

Show me _any other person_ getting away with this shit

Reminds me of this [Chappelle show bit](

If you don’t like it strike it. Feb 14th would be a good day to stay home from restaurant work. I heard there is a stomach virus from phucket coming. 

My hate for the other side grows with each day

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