As of 2024, Idaho is the only state to completely prohibit Marijuana.

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Can you smell the freedom?

Funny. My niece and her boyfriend were in Idaho last month. Police found them suspicious and accused them of drug smuggling. The cop cut open the spare tire on the trunk because he said his expertise told him to because the tire was “too new and didn’t have dirt on it’s. NOTHING!
they were traumatized. They Harassed them so bad there is much more. We are from Washington state. My sister is asking for the footage with a lawyer and is suing the hell out of them. It was in Hayden.

The only thing getting baked here are the potatoes

Yet hundreds of thousands of “don’t tread on me!” assholes think they are more free in Idaho than anywhere else from government telling them what they can or cannot do.

spent some time in their jail the other month for being caught with an empty cart underneath my car seat that the cops found when searching it.

smoking weed in idaho rn

Welcome to land of Mormons and Republicans.

I called it. As soon as all these other states started legalizing pot I knew Idaho would be last if ever. My guess now is that it won’t be legal until at least when Brad little dies.

Idaho is fearful of things it doesn’t understand.

Were losing so much revenue because of this, and leadership claims they are pro-business. FFS its embarrassing.

As a Spokane resident, we go to Idaho for our guns and you guys come to us for your weed.

I hate it here lol😭

We appreciate the taxes.

Love and kisses,
People of Washington, Oregon, Montana, and Nevada.

Even Arkansas has medical. This is pathetic.

Idaho just hates choices in general, especially women’s choice to have an abortion.

Ontario Oregon is fine with this.

why does Idaho hate freedom so much?

Just my luck… living in the only state…

They also have very strict abortion laws….which tells you how they value women

Cause Idaho is stupid


And they are losing millions of dollars as people go Oregon and Washington.

They have their heart set on making their residents miserable

Idaho sucks. Screw that state.

Funny how busy the closest pot shops next to the Idaho border are, and full of Idaho plates ..

the white supremist there think mayo is too spicy

I’ve been there, that state is actually extremely strange. Mountain men with bejewelled butt jeans combined with huge rims on big trucks and flying a big flag. Book of Mormon in the front, 12 pack in the back. Odd place.

there’s an ad for some company selling some CBD product that proudly proclaims they will ship to anywhere in the country!

*except you Idaho

endless source of pitiful comedy, such a backwards state

Wouldn’t want to compete with the potato trade

Honestly, at this point, it would make sense to re-classify marijuana as a schedule to narcotic given its proven health benefits as a prescribed medication to certain people with certain illnesses/conditions. It would be a good compromise in the which marijuana goes from being treated like cocaine to being treated like morphine.

Working at a dispo I see mostly Idahoans come through to buy weed. I get shocked to see Oregon IDs throughout my shift



And all of the idiots walking around with those “Freedom” shirts and wrap around sunglasses think they’re actually “free”

petition to rename idaho to the party pooper state lol

Not Blaine County. Citizen’s referendum passed in 2008.

It’s such bullshit seriously

You would assume as corrupt as governments are at some point they would see dollars and votes

Your neighbors thank you for the extra tax dollars.

It’s conservative virtue signaling; they just drive to Washington for weed. Ask any Spokane resident.

Most major cities are within driving distance to a state which allows it

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