They don’t know 💀

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Hell, they invented the culture war to not have a class war (which they inevitably would lose).

Who is Alice and why is she supporting a culture war?

Alice Thomson is being paid by the rich to keep majority of Americans from focusing on the REAL problem. It is class warfare.

They’re fucking saying it out loud. Holy shit. They used to try to be subtle

The Class War, it’s really the only war worth fighting right now.

Guillotines 👍

Everyone v. Billionaires

The culture war is to distract the lower class from the billionaire’s class war!

Seems like a good idea to me. Be mad at the people who are actually causing the problems instead of those who are being scapegoated as a problem.

Eff the culture war.
Class warfare pits the 99.9% against the .01%. That’s the real fight.

Saw this posted in another sub and of course there were a bunch of people like “yeah stop all your woke bullshit and focus on the economy” and it’s like, JFC you clearly do not understand what ending the culture war entails.

Directions: be mad at your fellow poors not those exploiting you both

A working class white person has far more in common with a working class black person than they do with a white billionaire. Everything comes back to class eventually. This is one of the few things Marx was right about.

Watching people of colour on TV or two men kissing on the street never killed anyone but lack of medicine, food, housing, etc., sure did. So yes, the replacement is overdue.

Hey remember when we had the class war starting up around Occupy Wallstreet, and then they paid some shills to come in and argue about whose culture was the most oppressed and who had the most right to complain and direct which way the movement was going?

Remember how they co-opted “black lives also matter, stop killing us black folks” into “they think only black lives matter and they want to kill us white people” and used that as a platform to put nazis in the white house?

Remember when the first nations people protested the oil pipeline at standing rock, a white girl’s arm got blown off, and the negative publicity got them to stop long enough for the protesters to clear out, then immediately put a pipeline through which then immediately broke open and contaminated all the drinking water on the rez?

Remember when imitation was the most sincere form of flattery and we were a cultural melting pot absorbing things from all around the world instead of “cultural appropriation?”

Any more examples like this of how the billionaire apartheid gang (looking at you Felon Musk) are out here destroying movements that fight for the disenfranchised?

Because I’m fucking sick of it. I’m mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore. Fuck the culture wars, bring back class warfare. Bring back the Anarchist’s Cookbook. Bring back guillotines.

Yes. Please carry on and ignore the division we are forcing on all of you. Look here’s some football and er other sports.

Remember rich people pay your wages. So be nice.

We’ve been in a class war for centuries and the rich won almost every battle. Most people don’t even recognise the boot on their throat because we’re so distracted by the manufactured culture war bullshit. Does anyone remember Occupy Wall Street? There’s a reason it got hijacked by crazy weirdos, maligned in the media and essentially erased from history.

The rich don’t want us to realise we have more in common with one another and are stronger when united. They’d rather rule over a pile of ashes than give up an ounce of money or power.

No war but class war

No please don’t become class conscious aha

You’re so cute when you’re culture warring 😅

Alice Thomson… Thomson, like Brian Thomson ? The Brian Thomson ?

Fix the class war the culture war will resolve itself, a progressive culture was the elites/oligarchs throwing breadcrumbs at the masses, but a class war is when they would have to give up something tangible that threatens their status. That would be the true test of who is who.

The wealthy have a completely different culture than the rest of us – so it’s all the same regardless how it’s phrased since the 90% of us are in a sinking boat.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

This has been a class war the whole time. The culture war is a bullshit distraction to keep all of us from turning into Luigi Mangione.

The Poor fighting over the woke DEI war on Xmass M&Ms asexual mr. Potatoehead 👎

The Billionaires served roasted with a side of fava beans and a nice chianti 👍

Hell yeah, class war is way more acceptable than a culture war.

Hey, that’s a good idea. A class war seems better than a culture war. Let’s do that!

“Don’t replace the culture war with the class war, plz.”

-Crooked Billionaires

There already is a class war. They’re just upset that the other side fought back.

Don’t do what I’m afraid of you doing

Wolverines bitch!

I mean we didn’t have to have any but they started it.

I remember watching the 99% movement just kind of getting less promoted and culture war style issues were starting to get promoted more. we have been in a class war for many years now!

Much-needed context: this is from a (right-leaning) UK newspaper in July.

The byline is “Britain may still be obsessed by social status but Starmer’s cabinet will stumble if it lets its background dictate policy”

It’s paywalled so I haven’t read it, but I imagine the point is: the Conservatives tried really hard to make culture wars a thing, following the US Republican playbook. It didn’t end up working for them, but did stir up a lot of unnecessary hate. It would be a shame if, now we have a new party in government, they just chose another way to “divide and conquer”, this time trying to turn back the clock on things like social mobility and the very-hard-to-shake British Class system. Though perhaps coming from a position of being pro upper/middle class.

Someone use that drake me to make a “nah culture war” “yes class war” meme plz.

Culture war is made up. Class warfare is reality.

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