For the first time in 2 decades, no woman will lead a House committee.

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Didn’t know that cloning was this common in US.

At least there are some bald men to represent some minorities in the country.

All rich White males. Too bad there are no men.

Age, gender, skincolor etc. Perfect representation of the billionaire class. But they surely give a shit about you, maga-trash.

Could you imagine if they were all women? There would be riots. Despite making up 50% of the population, it would be denounced as some kind of irrational bias.

Trump is identity politics for white men.

Any comments from representatives from the Black Voices/Latinos/Gays/Women for trump organizations? 🤡

The real DEI hires.

It’s the GOP. Women are baby makers. Nothing more. 🙂

All that work, all those protests, those feminists before us, black lives matter

Only to have 17 middle aged white men

There’s only 34 women Republicans in the House out of 217 seats.  Yikes that’s bad.

There’s 93 Democratic Women in the House out of 215 for comparison.  

We’re progressing so much we’ve almost looped back to the 1930s instead of the 2030s. #maga 🤡🤡🤡

They couldn’t even have too differents tie’s color

Make America Pale, Stale and Male Again

Seems about white..

They were all qualified, so long as the qualification is being an overweight white guy.

It’s almost like señor sexism doesn’t like women all that much, but that’s just an educated guess.



Anyone who’s surprised hasn’t been paying attention.

Haha, I sorted by controversial and this time, even maga’s aren’t coming here to say some “yeah, but…” nonsense.

Oh America, what the hell are you doing? Feels like your so called leaders are looking to reset everything about 60 years or more.

Add two eggs and backing soda to make the most racist loaf of white bread (gluten free)

All elderly white men… things are looking up /s

Old rich white men… shocker.

Must be some kind of crazy coincidence, right? It’s definitely not misogyny. /s

C’mon, you know some of them dress up as women every weekend…. isn’t that enough??

Looks like we’re going back.

Well, that’s a nice diverse looking group… an excellent cross section of the population they represent.

Finally, old white guys get a chance! /s

Corporate asked me to find the difference between all these pictures, but, they’re the same picture.

I’m blinded by the white…

I’m seeing a theme there

Most of these are dumb as bricks.

Looks like a box of crackers.

Put the pic in black&white and it could pass for the 1950s. Maga….’ You aren’t going forward unless you are moving backwards’.

Man, history really does rhyme.

This is exactly how it looked and probably felt in the 1920s. And for a while now, economists have been warning us that we’re on the brink of another depression. So don’t act surprised when we have another Black Monday within the next 5 years. You could probably bank on it happening, but you’ll probably lose that money.

It’s the Gilded Age all over again. But hey, it’s what White America voted for.

After 60 years of civil right advancements, they’ve finally “got their country back”.

Let’s see how much longer it lasts.

JFC. Fucking disgusting.

The Wall of Putzes

HOT POLICY TIP: This behavior is NOT PROGRESS. This is called REGRESS, and it is the opposite of moving forward.

All you GOP females/minorities, THIS is what you voted for. Congrats.

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