She is STUPID stupid

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She’ll be right on it, as soon as she’s done investigating Hunter Biden’s laptop and the hurricane machine.

And the SECOND Trump takes over, it will switch from โ€œthe governmentโ€ to all being about โ€˜The Deep Stateโ€™โ€ฆ

i highly doubt the DoD would pass anything by her

Typical elites that pretend to be the opposite of elites.

She’s the literal Neanderthal in the government. And I’m sorry to insult our cousins here with the analogy, they were smart in their own contemporary period of evolution.

This is how you know she isn’t privy to anything that’s actually secret.

Bleach blonde bad built butch body will say anything to get those fear monger views.

Itโ€™s the sentry bots for the space laser mothership.

She is a flag on the castle of Dumbassery.ย 

Yeah,WHICH Government Marge? The one YOURE PART OF? Or just the ever present (mostly imaginary)โ€themโ€?

First thing I ask when people blame the Gov, โ€œwhoโ€™s the Government?โ€

Just wait until Trump is in office, everything they can’t explain will be blamed on the deep state… Even if it’s their fault, just blame the vague deep state.

Pretty much all members of Trumps cult are

She never switches off from campaigning and fundraising. Makes sense because her attempts at governing have been a joke at best.

She’s nuts, and she knows damn well why it’s happening. She’s just playing coy/victim, which is the MAGGOT strategy. It’s all part of the campaign to make this current administration look terrible as they are in their way out, including all the salmonella food scares, etc,etc. It’s also a distraction to keep people focused on these things rather than thinking about the shit that’s about to come our way in 2025 with the incoming administration. Buckle up, everyone, it’s gonna get way worse.

how did she get elected? clueless ho

Sheโ€™s a lowly rep. Pentagon does things she has no right to know about all the time. Itโ€™s a pretty stupid comeback honestly.

Isn’t SHE part of THE government?

Marjorie Taylor Greene looks like the halfway point of an evolution chart from monkey to man…her face is very homo erectus in nature.

Not gonna lie, she may be right on this one. They are 100% either the US military or a military contractor doing something diabolical. Otherwise we would already have jumped on it.

Fun fact: more than one person voted to reelect her. More than one!!!

Isnโ€™t she part of the government?

More than likely, the Pentagon knows what it is but, for some reason, is being really dodgy about it when asked.

People who listen to Marjorie Taylor Greene about anything are functionally brain dead. It really is that bad.

She only cares about Hunter’s dick!!!

I always wonder who’s the biggest dumbass, her or boebert.

Good god sheโ€™s an imbecile.

She’s queen of the stupids. She’s been reelected twice which tells me the people in her district actually like her.

I need to know how people get into government? It seems like the people in it tend to be morons, left right, and center. Most are totally inept.

Are people not understanding there are dozens of covert agencies?

The drones are smoke screens…to keep you distracted from finding out what is really going on…watch the news the international version.

Syria Americans being freed from prison…america bombing Syria, fighting ISIS, freedom fighters, America. Troops are invading foreign nations.

Wait until you find out about security clearances

on capitol hill:

“hey congress, people are starting to think and talk about class war online”

congress: “tell them there’s aliens”

She stood in the Jesus line on the day they were handing out brains.

I’m confused – isn’t Joe Biden the president of the USA?

“You are the government, dumbass” might be the most perfect response I’ve seen to an MTG tweet Like complaining about your own reflection in the mirror lmao

the ones that are airliners seen yb people who have never seen an airplane before?

or the ones that are helicopters seen by people who have never seen a helicopter before?

I canโ€™t believe Trump didnโ€™t name her SOE. It would fit his agenda

She lacks brain cells I am sure


I donโ€™t have a Twitter account but I do like that Alex Cole a lot right now.

O right because they definitely let…checks notes…MTG know EVERYTHING. This ain’t a good comeback.

She still dumb though.

Alex is right on both counts: She is the government. She is a dumbass.

She is stupid but people keep voting her in. ๐Ÿ™„

No you dimwits need a lesson in the difference between elected officials and bureaucrats? This isn’t a murder it’s suicide and reddit is too stupid to know the difference.

On the one hand sheโ€™s just one rep but on the other I imagine it would be very easy for her to get those answers through proper channels

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