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An actual IRL problem for some! Wife liked a little black number she saw at a store while shopping for a dress for a wedding alongside me and MiL. Tries it on, comes out of the dressing room, her figure distorts the whole thing (wide hips and bust), and all 3 of us say, “It’s a trash bag.”

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She just wanted to look cute forgetting she’s sexy no matter what she wears

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{My Divorced Cry Baby Neighbor}

yeah totally hate when this happens to me (I don’t have any boobies)

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She’s so adorable, I love it

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Cute indeed

Such a mood i hate seeing really cute clothes trying it on and realizing i do not have the body type to pull it off correctly

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I’m not a hero but the sauce is “My cry baby neighbor”

God I wish I had this problem

Sounds like a wonderful problem to have.

She can’t help it guys.
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Excellent choice, ma’am. 

ready to take them to the farmers market

Man I miss this series. Was cute

Zyugoya sure loves women with big breasts. God, I want a girl like this.

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Honestly? Gender envy

The author name is 十五夜

She draws……. both SFW and NSFW stuff.

Let’s just leave it at that

New chapter of this got released?

New stuff! Where!?!?!?

Tangentially related, but I love how much care Japan puts into making sure their fruit doesn’t get bruises
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Is Divorced Crybaby getting new comics? I haven’t seen anything new from it since the guy proposed

literally this will be my problem when i start taking estrogen :c

This was me in Japan 2 months ago. 😂

They do not make tops for anyone above a very small B cup. I’m also 5’6, so pants and long sleeved tops were too short on me as well.

I tried on what should have been a very conservative top. All the way up to my neck! It was form fitting though. When I came out of the dressing room the Japanese shop girl shook her head and pointed at my chest and in broken English said, ‘Melon’. 😭

i see nothing wrong with this.

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Very much kawaii

Still kawaii


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too big bonkers

I don’t see the problem


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So I got this new anime plot

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