Anon is a certified taxi driver

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Clever with a dash of racism, what if he gets a white girl and a Hispanic guy

Fake and gay?

Maybe true and racist?

Ngl I would put 5 stars too if my driver did this to me

Anon think catering to certain demographics is actually racism

everybody is kungfu fighting

Fake and gay analysis has been really quiet since anon started taxi driving

fake: anon has a job

gay: anon plays Dancing Queen when gays enter and they have a threesome

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from the beer to the keys to the car to the tree

i wonder if he will play tunak tunak for the indian passengers

Fake: Anon has a job

Gay: Anon listens to Evanescence

Fake: anon had women in his car

Gay: anon had 2 black men in his car

Fake: Anon picks up girl

Gay: Anon picks up dudes

Sigma with Dacia

5-star driver, 10-star DJ, 1-star at taking requests—you just listen and accept



Every taxi driver in a tourist trap. Whenever some street vendor figures out I’m Finnish they want to have a chat about Santa Claus.

Fake – Anon isn’t a uber driver
Gay – Anon wants to fuck uber drivers (which have pp)

Fake: anon actually went out and passed a drivers test to get a license

Gay: he failed every Time. then decide to give instructor head in order to pass

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