Am I overreacting or should I report this children’s coach?

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there are Very few circumstances where an adult needs to text a child (non-family member). ever.

this guy is a creep.

also, “it’s not a coincidence”?!? he trying to set up some soul mate shit or something? tf is he talking about??


“heyyy little buddy” with three Y’s is federal

Ick ick ick. If you found his info and he’s actually a coach, I think sharing this with someone is a good call. Sharing this will not cause him any problems if it’s really as innocent as he’s claiming, but with that language and time of the night I’d bet it’s not. And telling someone will put people on higher alert in allowing him with kids and, again, that would only be a problem for him if he’s a predator. NOR and yes you should contact someone—I’d go with his employer personally to make sure I’m covering his interactions with other children too.

The hour that he is texting makes me think this is not innocent.

Weird. I’d enquire. What kind of adult types like that? No matter the child’s age lol. “but tomorrow after school text me,” “Kool coach”, “try me”, “text me PLEASE, lets be great friends” this has creepy perv written all over.

This isn’t a thing normal people do as grown adults. This has a bad feeling to it.

Maybe the guy’s clueless, and maybe he’s dangerous. Would you rather risk the guy feeling bad or a kids safety?

always pay attention to that gut feeling and always error on the side of caution. In other words, do not cross your fingers and hope that this person has wholesome intentions because it just reeks of weird and inappropriate. If the mother wanted the coach to reach out, she would do it in person.

No, some things happen for a reason. At no point did he say anything about coaching him or helping him. Juts texting and being friends. Completely inappropriate, ESPECIALLY because it’s a neighbor. Sounds to me like he wouldve asked the kid to come over

Depending on the job it’s illegal to text/talk to students outside of work. i feel like this is unprofessional and creepy.

“tf” lol

NOR. But I personally would respond pretending to be my kid to see exactly what his intentions are. Give him enough rope to really hang himself. Report just that, though very suspicious and very unacceptable, especially at midnight, he could weasel his way out. People like that need to go to prison for life.

This is not ok. (*Go to Police and ask for a sex crime detective. If it’s nothing, no problem. But if it’s something….) this is very, *very* alarming behavior. All of the hairs in your neck must be standing at attention: THAT IS YOUR GUT TELLING YOU SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

Listen to your gut. ALWAYS.

Be safe and lots of love.

#Edit: to be very very clear, THIS is grooming. This is how it starts, that “I talked to your mom”, that “isn’t it so funny we have the same name 🤪”, the “remember when I was so nice to you”. This is the beginning and you need to stop that person before the next kid falls prey. Please don’t ignore this.

Hang on, just making sure I’ve got this right: this guy texted you around 12 midnight, thinking he was texting a 13yo boy; he then told you that this was at the request of the mother of said 13yo boy, and that she gave him the boy’s number (which is actually *your* number) so this guy could mentor her 13yo son?

If that’s the case then *hell* no, you are NOR. There’s a lot going on here, and none of it is good.

This is very creepy

Tf is right report immediately

Yes hang him high

Very concerning.

The next message the creepy coach sends starts with “idk what tf stands for but I hope it’s” for anyone who couldn’t read the cut off part. To me it sounds like that message is going to be creepy af too

Some people are misunderstanding, I am not child or parent. Im a random adult who received this text out of no where, and I live on the opposite side of the state this creep is in. So I can’t just go to his or the mother’s door.
What I’ve got for now is his information and the school district he works for, I’m going to reach out to the district and inform them of this interaction however it doesn’t appear this child is not a student at said school so we will see what they do. I’m also going to reach out to the police in his city but… unfortunately our police here aren’t the greatest at following through even with better evidence 🙁

Thank you for all the replies! Some people thought I was stupid for even asking but I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t contacting the authorities with a nothing burger. I don’t have children but am a victim of CSA so this did not sit right with me. I’m willing to spend as much time needed talking to officials to at least get this guy looked into, any resources and suggestions on avenues that will actually pursue are appreciated!

No you’re being cautious which is wise and I have in the past confronted a over friendly couple of a Christian Association saying they’re just being friendly towards my then 6yr old at the time but I didn’t like it and put a stop to it immediately whether their intentions were good or bad my radar said remove my child from that situation before I had to unalive anybody… Know what I mean?

If it were my kid… he’d be lucky if I called the cops…

That’s fucking weird. Definitely report to something somewhere.

I’m a coach to young kids and young teens, I’ve had parents ask to help better connect or spend extra time with their kids for one reason or another – this is certainly OVER the boundary of acceptable by a long shot. I would never do this. This is unacceptable, multiple reasons, multiple issues with it, and it’s just plain weird sounding. It doesn’t sit right in my gut.

I’ve been a coach for a few years and you are explicitly forbidden from any extracurricular one on one. I think that’s pretty common sense but most coaches and people affiliated with kids are harmless who just enjoy helping kids.

Also, I would never text a child directly.

This broke my heart to read. Please report him. Save Aldo and other children who might not have had a dynamo parent like you to pick up the phone first.

Dude is find out which team he coached and message every parent I could. This is wild

Take the phone to the police or even call up the relevant body that monitors cyber crime in your state/ country. I feel they would know how best to proceed, because the guy could just blame his unprofessional conduct on alcohol or over tiredness etc.

I’m NAL but I think they’d need more incriminating evidence for anything to stick, sadly.

wow.. he’s so kool.. somebody kall the kops

Police and CPS.

“I have a concern that this adult man is grooming children for sex. He has sent late-night texts to a child which are inappropriate.” Get a report number, and ask them to confirm that they will investigate.

Alternatively, keep the phone, and bait him. All you need is a single request for an inappropriate pic or visit, or him sending you one, and the police can arrest him on the spot. Chris Hansen style

Ask the mom to confirm his story


No one should ever be texting anybody’s child at 12:00 midnight. Talking about we should text MF it’s 12:00 midnight why are you texting my child I would definitely report his ass


Report the coach that seems odd

I coach archery and work mostly with elementary school kids.

The lengths I go through to keep everything on the up and up is intense.

I often invite parents to be seated close to where I’m coaching. Any time I discuss the mental aspects of archery (positive attitudes, how to frame bad shooting days, how to be confident) I make sure the parents are part of the conversation.

I ask both parents and students before touching the students (to correct posture, hand placement, etc).

All that said, I cannot imagine texting one of my students like that. Jesus that’s creepy.

Ew and followed by you wake at this time, this dude is creepyyy af

This guy is a pedo keep him away from ya kid

As to why a single mom would give him her kid’s number? Because he has ingratiated himself.

Grooming includes the victim’s support system, so they will not be believed if they seek help.

Just get his address and posted it on here and we can sort this out

This has to be a bot right? Or he got hacked? This is STRANGE.

I’d say absolutely report.

This is so weird

Isn’t Aldo the “I’m your Uber driver GET IN” guy? This seems like a bit he’d do



That guy is a creep.

It is creepy.

Report him immediately holy shit. That’s straight out of a stranger danger infomercial.

Yeah, that’s not okay at all. That exactly how groomers speak.

Gives the creep vibes. I’d try to fish more info and if he sends something weird or creepy then report to where ever he coaches and police

At the very least id talk to the mom.. if what he said about her isnt true then it needs to be reported! Creepy!

In NO world is it okay to text a minor asking to be their friend…I did the PALS program a couple years ago during my senior year in high school and I’d never text my little pal saying weird shit like this……..I say give him a fake TextFree number and tell him that’s your son’s phone number then when he texts it you act like your son. See for yourself if he had good intentions

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